Texas Border Business
By Dr. Elaine Dispo-Rendón, ANAK KO chair
BROWNSVILLE, Texas: ANAK KO nonprofit organization offers financial and emotional support to families who grieve the loss of children and/or pets since the coronavirus pandemic, through care packages, expenses for memorial markers and scholarships.
This is a way to “help families grieve and express themselves,” said ANAK KO vice chair David Rendón. Currently, ANAK KO seeks applications for its Marigold Scholarship, named for the floral symbol of Día de los Muertos, Spanish for “All Souls’ Day.”
College students and high school upperclassmen with a 3.5 GPA qualify to apply by the June 30 deadline. ANAK KO’s annual fundraising drives include Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Remembrance Day 5K on Oct. 15 and EJ5K, which is named after ANAK KO president Bernadette Aniag’s son, Elijah James Humphrey.
Dr. Elaine Dispo-Rendón, ANAK KO chair, wrote “Our Babies Have Halos and Wings: Grief Communication Guide to Healing for Bereaving Families,” which includes self-help tips during bereavement of a beloved child or animal, journal space and stories of parents and the children or animals who they lost.
With Mental Health Awareness Month in May, ANAK KO’s book emphasizes the importance of self-care and includes resources where to seek professional help. Bereaved Parents Month in July, PAIL Awareness Month in October and other times of the year observe families and children’s memories.
To apply for ANAK KO’s Marigold Scholarship, seek services, order the book or donate, please visit AnakKo.org.
ANAK KO is a nonprofit organization for bereaving families who have lost children and/or pets. Meaning “my child” in Filipino, ANAK KO stands for Angel Nevaeh Always Kailanman Kisses Onward. Established in Brownsville, Texas, in 2020, this “grief relief” foundation offers memorial markers assistance, Marigold Scholarships and CARE packages with the acronym Community Advocates Render Empathy. Co-founders Elaine and David Rendón named ANAK KO after their first unborn child then lost their oldest cat and second baby while starting ANAK KO. For more information about ANAK KO’s services and how to contribute, please visit https://AnakKo.org and follow handle @AnakKoOrg on online platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, PayPal and YouTube.