Texas Border Business
MCALLEN, TEXAS (June 6, 2018) South Texas College’s (STC) Continuing Education Department will host its first Career Training and Job Fair Friday, June 8 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. The fair will bring together local businesses and job seekers.
“Bring plenty of resumes and be ready to meet with different employers,” said Steven Gallegos, case management for the Continuing Education Department of STC. “We recommend attendees to dress professionally as this would be the best way to network when it comes to meeting and speaking with different employers.”
Job seekers looking for advancement will have the opportunity to network with over 50 vendors who are seeking qualified candidates to fill their open positions.
“To name a few in attendance, we will have Doctors Hospital at Renaissance, True Fit, McAllen Police and Fire departments, Dairy Queen, Metro PCS, and several more,” said Gallegos.
WHAT: Career Training and Job Fair
WHO: South Texas College Continuing Education
WHEN: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, June 8
WHERE: South Texas College Technology Campus, Building E 3700 W Military Hwy McAllen, TX 78501
Continuing Professional Workforce Education’s (CPWE) mission is to provide quality education opportunities through a multitude of services including career preparation, career pathways, customized corporate training, professional education and development, professional conferences, and personal enrichment courses.
Throughout the event, attendees will have access to free services, resources, and tools needed to assist with hiring and furthering their education at STC.
This event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Steven Gallegos 956-872-6169 or email at egallegos1562@toptexascollege.edu