Texas Border Business
MCALLEN, TEXAS (Jan. 29, 2018 ) – As part of an ongoing effort to promote a college-going culture, the South Texas College Technology Campus hosted a group of more than 70 4th and 5th grade students from John F. Kennedy Elementary School in La Joya on Friday, Jan. 26.
The students toured the campus and participated in hands-on activities while being informed about the various career options available to them when they enter college.
“These are students who stay after school and learn about computers, so they are more technology oriented,” said Ed Warwas, a counselor at JFK Elementary who attended the tour with students. “In order to support them, we decided to come to STC and visit the Technology Campus. This is a great way for them to experience what is out there in terms of careers and technology.”
At the STC Technology Campus, the students toured automotive and diesel labs, were briefed on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, and learned about the college’s offerings in Computer Science, Forensics, and Electrician Technology. Students also had the chance to participate in activities in order to foster curiosity and excitement for higher learning.
“The possibilities are endless,” said Matthew Vega, an automotive instructor at STC who was on-hand to guide students through their tour of the campus. “There are so many things out there you can do. You just have to find that passion for what you want to do. I am really glad we have the chance for them so see what we offer them here locally.”