Texas Border Business
Pharr, Texas – The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), a Seniors only food program, has an increased availability for up to 2,000 more clients until June 2018. The program offers government cheese and commodities on a monthly basis for eligible applicants within the Food Bank RGV service area of Hidalgo, Cameron, and Willacy counties. Applicants that are not eligible for CSFP will still be able to access emergency food assistance from the Food Bank RGV.
Apply at the Food Bank RGV today: Applicants must be 60 years or older and meet a low-income threshold. The availability is temporary through June 2018 and is on a first come, first serve basis. Applicants MUST BRING photo ID, most recent tax return, bank statement or Social Security award letter. Applications may be made Monday through Friday between 9 am to 12 Noon and 1 pm to 4 pm at the Food Bank RGV, located at 724 N. Cage. Blvd., Pharr, Texas. There will be one special application session from 9 am to 11 am, Saturday, April 28, 2018, at the Food Bank RGV.