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Friday, February 7, 2025
78.5 F
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Sen. Lucio, Author of Prop 2, Comments on its Passage

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Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr.

Texas Border Business

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Brownsville, Texas – “Today is a great day for South Texas families!  With over 65% support, voters from across Texas voted overwhelming to pass Proposition 2 to provide millions of dollars to help families with drinking water and critical wastewater services,” said Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. (D-Brownsville) author of Prop 2.

During the 2019 Legislative Session, Sen. Lucio authored Senate Joint Resolution 79, which called for Proposition 2, to provide $200 million in revolving bonding authority to help regions like South Texas with critical water and wastewater infrastructure.  

“I want to thank everyone, especially Valley Interfaith, who supported my SJR 79 and who voted for Proposition 2.  By working together, we will provide millions of dollars to help families in areas like ours receive the water and wastewater services that they greatly need,” added Sen. Lucio.

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“Communities like those along the border, and in South Texas, will be among the main beneficiaries of the newly created and reformed Economically Distressed Areas Program 3 which Prop. 2’s approval helped us to establish,” Sen. Lucio went on to say.

Since 1989, the Texas Legislature has invested millions of dollars to fix the lack of water and wastewater problems created by unscrupulous developers. At that time, with the Economically Distressed Areas Program (EDAP 1), Texas invested $250 million in bond authority to help affected communities.  In 2007, Sen. Lucio authored the necessary legislative measures to create EDAP 2 which provided an additional $250 million for distressed communities all across our state. 

With Sen. Lucio’s SJR 79, and its enabling legislation Senate Bill 2452, the state’s commitment to help economically distressed areas in Texas receive critical water and wastewater infrastructure was re-affirmed by establishing EDAP 3.

“As author of EDAP 2 and EDAP 3, I want to thank Representative Mary Gonzalez for working with me to continue to deliver critical, quality of life services to the border communities that we both represent. Clearly, this is a big win for families along the Border and South Texas!” added Sen. Lucio.  “Once again, I thank everyone along our border and South Texas communities for their ongoing support.”

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Rep. Gonzalez (D-El Paso) was the House sponsor of Sen. Lucio’s SJR 79 and SB 2452.

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