Texas Border Business

AUSTIN, TX – South Texas Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. (D-Brownsville) was recently appointed to the influential Texas Sunset Advisory Commission by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick. The Sunset Commission is charged with undertaking a rigorous evaluation of state agencies to ensure they are effective and efficient, while appropriately meeting the needs of Texans with the services and programs they administer.
“I am honored and humbled by the trust Lt. Governor Dan Patrick has shown me with this most important appointment. As a Sunset Commissioner I represent the views of my constituents as our Sunset Commission undertakes the thorough review of agencies which are critically important to the future of South Texas,” said Senator Lucio.
State agencies like the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS); the Texas Department of Agriculture; Early Childhood Health and Nutrition Council; Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office; Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department are currently under review by the Texas Sunset Commission.
“Every active and retired teacher should be concerned about having an effectively administered and financially solvent TRS; just like every agriculture business and rural community should care for having a successful and well-running Agriculture Department. These are among the reasons why I will rely on my effective, proven experience having formerly served on the Sunset Commission to strengthen Texas’ resolve to better address the needs of our constituents by carefully calibrating state agencies to their most effective, optimum levels!” said Sen. Lucio.
Senator Lucio previously served as a Sunset Commissioner during the 77th Legislature (2001) and 78th Legislature (2003). In his first term, he successfully spearheaded the Sunset Review of important state agencies by authoring the Sunset Legislation for the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs and sponsoring the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation continuing legislation. These reforms helped pave the way to some of the greatest expansion of affordable housing opportunities in Texas.
In the recent 86th Legislative Session, the Sunset Commission reviewed 32 agencies and adopted 426 statutory and management recommendations. The Legislature adopted 92% of Sunset’s 275 statutory recommendations.
Their duties include convening public hearings on each agency and issuing a report with findings and recommendations to the Legislature.