Texas Border Business
USDA/Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is a multi-faceted Agency with a broad mission area that includes protecting and promoting U.S. agricultural health, regulating genetically engineered organisms, administering the Animal Welfare Act and carrying out wildlife damage management activities.
This SBA and the RGV Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will host a “Meet the Buyer” one-to-one, mini-matchmaking opportunity with Contracting Officer, Martha Garza from USDA/APHIS (Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service)/Moore Air Base, representing the Lower Rio Grande Valley Region on Thursday, Feb/ 6th from 9 am to 11 am at the EBC Building located at 801 E. Fern in McAllen. The USDA Contracting Officer will be available to provide area small businesses (and construction contractors) the required nuts and bolts of doing business with the USDA/APHIS.
At this workshop you will learn: The general operations of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture/APHIS; The benefits of doing business with the USDA/APHIS; If you qualify as per requirements when doing business with USDA/APHIS and Learn more about contract opportunities with USDA.
This workshop is definitely for you if: You want to take advantage of federal contracting opportunities; You have a service or product to sell to USDA/APHIS and if you want your small business to develop and grow.
For more information and/or to register for the workshop call the RGV Hispanic Chamber at 928-0060.