Texas Border Business
The McAllen Chamber of Commerce Governmental Affairs Council will meet and discuss crucial legislative issues for our area. This meeting will feature State Representative Sergio Muñoz Jr. He will address transportation, budget issues, border affairs and other key issues pertaining to the region.
The McAllen Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Council identifies and monitors proposed legislation, develops resolutions and/or position papers on issues of importance, educates lawmakers and encourages Chamber members to contact legislators and other appropriate officials promoting the Chambers pro-business position and the spirit of free enterprise.
The meeting of the Governmental Affairs Council is scheduled for Wednesday, January 22 at 12:00 p.m. at the McAllen Chamber of Commerce. The Council is open to all interested McAllen Chamber of Commerce members or the community in general.
Lunch will be served. RSVP required, as seating is limited. For additional information, or to RSVP, please contact Michelle Rodriguez, (956) 682-2871 or mrodriguez@mcallenchamber.com
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