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Small Business Incentive Program highlights agenda items up for consideration on Tuesday, April 24 by the Edinburg EDC Board of Directors

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Featured: Edinburg Mayor Richard Molina, left, welcomes Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, D-McAllen, on Thursday, April 19, 2018, following the mayor’s State of the City Address, which took place in the Edinburg Municipal Auditorium, located at 415 W. McIntyre Street. Photograph By Roberto González
Featured: Edinburg Mayor Richard Molina, left, welcomes Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, D-McAllen, on Thursday, April 19, 2018, following the mayor’s State of the City Address, which took place in the Edinburg Municipal Auditorium, located at 415 W. McIntyre Street. Photograph By Roberto González

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By David A. Díaz

A proposed Small Business Incentive Program, which would provide up to $10,000 each in reimbursements to local firms for the restoration and improvement of commercial property, will be considered by the Board of Directors of the Edinburg Economic Development Corporation on Tuesday evening, April 24, 2018, the Edinburg EDC has announced.

The meeting, which is open to the public, will be held in the Edinburg City Council Chamber at Edinburg City Hall, located at 415 W. University Drive, beginning at 6 p.m.

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The Edinburg EDC, of which Joey Treviño is the Executive Director, is the jobs-creation arm of Mayor Richard Molina, Mayor Pro-Tem David Torres, Councilmember Homer Jasso, Jr., Councilmember Gilbert Enríquez, and Councilmember Jorge Salinas.

The Edinburg EDC Board of Directors is comprised of Councilmember Enríquez as President, Edinburg School Board Trustee Miguel “Mike” Farías as Vice-President, Councilmember Salinas as Secretary/Treasurer, and Mayor Molina and Mayor Pro Tem Torres as Members.

The Edinburg EDC agenda packet, which contains all the information that is open to the public, is available online by logging to the Edinburg EDC website at:


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“This type of grant program will allow businesses to begin improvements on a building that will enhance the facade and the business and help beautify the city,” Trevino explained in his executive summary to the EEDC Board of Directors.

Highlights of the proposed Small Business Incentive Program are:

• Grants would be funded as a reimbursement upon completion of the projects and documentation of the expenditure for improvement is needed.

• Upon approval by the Board of Directors for the Edinburg EDC, a grantee may receive up to $2,500 (two thousand five hundred) to begin a project. The balance of the remainder of the improvements will be reimbursed by examination paid receipts and canceled checks.

• Franchised businesses or corporations are not eligible.

• The grant applicant must own the property which is being improved. If an applicant is a lessee, the property owner must become co-applicant on the grant documents.

• Applicants must be up-to-date on all city, school, county, state and federal taxes.

• If a business fails to maintain the number of employees identified in the application, the Edinburg EDC will reclaim the grant proceeds.

• The target areas are commercial industrial zones where an owner of a business which has been in operation within the city limits for at least 10 years, and has contributed local sales tax revenues, employs more than 10 people, five of which must be classified as full-time.

• Funds will be made available for the enhancement of or improvements to the exterior of facades of a building. Improvements may included enhancements to the facade, signage and display areas visible from the outside of the building.

• Such eligible improvements may include: (Exterior) Windows and door repairs; glass replacement; facade additions or repairs; brick and mortar repairs; awnings; trim repairs or replacement; paint; parking; landscaping; and roof. (Interior) Furnishings; flooring; interior painting; and HVAC.

• Renovations and improvements are to be pre-approved by the Edinburg EDC Board of Directors and will be judged on the basis on need and compliance to applicable city code enforcement ordinances.

• All improvements must be complete within 90 (ninety) days of the Edinburg EDC Board of Directors’ approval. Failure to complete the renovations or improvements within 90 (ninety) days makes the project ineligible for the grant reimbursement and terminates the grant.

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