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Monday, March 10, 2025
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Shaping the Future of the Rio Grande Valley and Creating an International MSA

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By Roberto Hugo Gonzalez

As originally published by Texas Border Business newsprint edition May 2017

A group of brilliant minds are in the process of creating a BiNational Border Economic Development plan (BiNED), that will help South Texas prepare for what is coming in a near future.

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According to Carlos Marin, PhD, PE, Ambiotec Engineering Group, Inc. CEO, that by interpreting the trends of the markets and understanding the root of the problem, an action plan must be in place sooner than later.

There is no precedent in South Texas of an ambitious and relevant action plan like this one. We found a leader who could tell a story related to the preparation being done to be ready for a tsunami of growth coming our way.

Dr. Marin says that there is no alternative but to unify McAllen, Brownsville and cities in between with Reynosa and Matamoros as well.

He is talking about putting in action the essence of leadership, to foster a regional binational community, to leverage assets for maximum yield.  But above all to stay away from a mentality which resists “Outside” input, and to be open to innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Dr. Marin said that the Rio Grande Valley is at a crossroad, in a time that there is only two ways, left or right. The one way is an economic decline and the other leads to regional and binational prosperity.

But to get there it’s necessary to prepare with everything that we have; like promote competition between communities, emphasize education and knowledge asset.

BiNED action plan envisions so much more They are talking about a Workforce development strategy, an International MSA, a Leadership Institute, a BiNED University R&D facility and International (manufacturing) Free Trade Zones. Read more inside this issue.

DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE: Roxanne Lerma Casares, Reporter/Producer, Office of Communications from the City of McAllen, wrote an article about the McAllen Performing Arts. This is a different perspective that invites readers to learn more about this magnificent facility for the performing arts.

BIG STORY: As it ramps up for accreditation, one of UTSA’s newest graduate programs is showing big successes among its alumni. One is McAllen born, Lisa Gonzalez ’06, M.S. ’12, the city planner preparing the City of Cibolo for a drastic jump in population, according to an article written by Vanessa A. Davila. More inside this issue.

HIDDEN OASIS: Yes, the Valley has a hidden oasis that has been the pleasure for businesspeople who visit the Valley. Texas Guest Ranch has been here for more than fifty years, offering true Southern Hospitality.

HOLD ON TO THE RAILS: Harlingen Family Dentistry owner and operator Dr. Juan D. Villarreal, wrote a book denouncing government corruption which had relentlessly targeted Texas dentists like himself. The courageous doctor wrote this powerful book describing his struggle with the top bureaucrats of the Texas Health and Human Service Commission and its Office of Inspector General. They had targeted him and his practice in 2011 with serious but false allegations of misconduct within the Medicaid program. This is a must-read article.

There is much more in this issue, Enjoy! TBB

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BiNED is Brilliant Minds Shaping South Texas Future

As it ramps up for accreditation, one of UTSA’s newest graduate programs is showing big successes among its alumni

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