Texas Border Business
McAllen launches awareness campaign
McAllen– To keep our community beautiful and healthy, the City of McAllen is launching an awareness campaign encouraging pet owners to be responsible and “Scoop the Poop.” In other words, pick-up after dogs go…. The bilingual multi-media campaign (see links to PSAs below) will include electronic messages spoken by man’s best friend, reminding their owners of their responsibility to the environment and to their fellow man.
“In my recent State of the City Address, I stated that McAllen is our city and as good community stewards, we should help in making it better. We are initiating the “Scoop the Poop” campaign to remind pet owners to pick up after their pets in public spaces,” said City of McAllen Mayor Jim Darling. “If we all do our part, everyone will be able to enjoy the beautiful outdoors.”
The City strives to provide citizens and visitors some of the best hike and bike trails, city parks, a city dog park and other public recreation spaces for humans and dogs alike. This campaign is designed to tell everyone to help keep areas clean for all users.
To assist with that effort, the City of McAllen Parks and Recreation Department has installed plastic bag stations at several parks, as well as hike and bike trails for the convenience of pet owners. City workers have also installed signs to remind pet owners about trash collection stations. While McPARD employees replenish the bag stations daily, they sometimes do run out. Pet owners who walk in City parks are reminded to carry their own bags – just in case. This habit should also apply to residents who walk their dogs in their own neighborhoods.
“It’s a simple act of picking up after your dog by ‘Scooping the Poop.’ This simple act by pet owners can assist us in keeping harmful nutrients and bacteria from possibly getting into our storm water drainage system and waterways,” said Roel “Roy” Rodriguez, P.E., McAllen City Manager. He added, “Let’s ‘Keep McAllen Beautiful’ and our citizens healthy when everyone does their part for their pets and neighbors in our parks and public spaces.”
Contrary to popular belief, most dog excrement is actually not biodegradable because of the high protein diets most pets enjoy. Most commercial dog food contains added protein and other nutrients that actually render the waste non-biodegradable.
While the City of McAllen does not have an ordinance on pet waste, City leaders believe citizens can police themselves and be responsible pet owners. The “Scoop the Poop” awareness campaign, in both English and Spanish, will air on the City of McAllen’s news channel, found only on Time Warner Cable channel 17.12, as well as on the City of McAllen YouTube channel and its social media sites. The public service announcements will also be made available for all local media partners, including television and radio.
Here are some steps to becoming a responsible pet owner and good neighbor:
· Always clean up after dog finishes his business on walks
· Remind friends and neighbors to do the same
· Carry several plastic bags when walking pets; small shopping bags work best, but even sandwich bags will work
· Don’t wait: scoop the poop immediately
· Throw out waste in trash receptacle, not in a compost or recycling can
For more information on the Scoop the Poop campaign, please contact the City of McAllen Office of Communications Office at (956) 681-1200 or info@mcallen.net.
Special thanks to Palm Valley Animal Center and pet volunteers for their help in the production of the “Scoop the Poop” public service announcement. Fortunately, the dogs used in this production have been adopted, but PAWS still has many dogs and cats that need a forever home. For more information about assisting PVAC and the Laurie P. Andrews PAWS Center, please click on the link: https://pvaconline.com/.