It’s FREE to help out the McAllen Crime Stoppers program by joining us at the H-E-B Sampling Showcase on Thursday, June 23, 2016 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the H-E-B Store 3200 N. 10th Street. H-E-B has partnered up with McAllen Crime Stoppers to host the event. Attendees will be able to sample delicious H-E-B products for free at 8 food stations and complete a sampling flyer after their tour of eating. For each completed sampling flyer H-E-B will donate $10 to the crime fighting program up to $2,500.
“We would like to invite the community to join us to eat some great food and assist our non-profit program,” says Chief Victor Rodriguez, McAllen Police Department. “It benefits a community program that provides valuable information to police investigators.”
Also, H-E-B is hosting a healthy cook-off competition between four McAllen Police Department teams who will grill a burger to see who wins the taste test competition.