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Latina Hope Schedules First Session of the Fall Semester on August 2

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Latina Hope participants learning new skills
Latina Hope participants learning new skills

Texas Border Business

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The McAllen Chamber of Commerce, United Way, Wells Fargo Bank, and Calvary Baptist Church are joining forces to promote the creation and growth of micro-enterprises in the McAllen area. The Latina Hope Business Network program is designed to facilitate the learning, networking and acting of Spanish-speaking micro-entrepreneurs that want to learn new skills and bring extra income at their homes.

The program begins with basic workshops on finance, single entry bookkeeping, operational management, marketing and business plan development. Additionally, each session, attendees will have the opportunity to learn at least two of the following skills: candle making, card making, jewelry making, knitting / crocheting / quilting, sewing and alterations, soap making, toy making, wreath making and many other handmade skills.

After attending five trainings, participants will have the opportunity to prepare a project plan (basic business plan) and present their business idea to the Latina Hope judging panel. The panel will decide if the project is mature enough to receive the Latina Hope Ignite fund. Recipients of the Latina Hope Ignite fund will get up to $250 in materials to encourage the creation of new micro enterprises in the McAllen area.

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Participants are encouraged to get involved as vendors through different sources such as farmer markets and community events. Additionally, we have launched a new website where they are listed as artists and their products are displayed to the entire United States for free. Our website, www.LatinaHope.com has reached many customers all the way from Arizona to Washington. This website creates a new pathway for them to reach out to a new segment of clients.

The Latina Hope Business Network holds its meetings the first and third Wednesday of the month at Calvary Baptist Church, 1600 Harvey St, McAllen, TX. The first session is scheduled for August 2, 2017. The event is conducted in Spanish. RSVP required, as seating is limited. For additional information, or to RSVP, please contact Jorge Sanchez, (956) 682-2871 or jsanchez@mcallenchamber.com

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