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Sunday, February 16, 2025
64.8 F
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IDEA Public Schools to Offer FREE Meals to All Children This Summer

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IDEA Public Schools’ Child Nutrition Program (CNP) is excited to announce they will be serving FREE meals during the summer to any child in the community aged 18 years and younger beginning Tuesday, May 28 through Friday, July 26, whether they are an IDEA student or not. (AI) Image for illustration purposes
IDEA Public Schools’ Child Nutrition Program (CNP) is excited to announce they will be serving FREE meals during the summer to any child in the community aged 18 years and younger beginning Tuesday, May 28 through Friday, July 26, whether they are an IDEA student or not. (AI) Image for illustration purposes
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IDEA Public Schools’ Child Nutrition Program (CNP) is excited to announce they will be serving FREE meals during the summer to any child in the community aged 18 years and younger beginning Tuesday, May 28 through Friday, July 26, whether they are an IDEA student or not. The offering is made possible through the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program.  

According to Feeding America, nearly 1 in 4 children in the state of Texas face hunger. The free meals are part of IDEA’s commitment to local communities to help promote a healthy and active lifestyle through the Seamless Summer Meals Option. For the children who rely on school meals during the academic year, these meals offer a source of good nutrition when school is out for the long summer vacation.  

“Healthy nutrition is important for all children in our community, not just while they are in a classroom learning, but year-round,” said Fernando Aguilar, Vice of President of the Child Nutrition Program at IDEA Public Schools. “With nearly 1.7 million children across Texas at risk of going hungry this summer, we are excited to be able to provide nutritious meals while relieving families of the potential financial burden they can experience over the summertime.” 

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The summer meals will include breakfast and lunch and must be consumed in the cafeteria of any IDEA campus Monday through Friday. Breakfast will be served from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. and lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Food service will be closed on federal holidays and from July 1 through July 5.  

Families seeking more information regarding summer meals on campus may contact the cafeteria manager at any IDEA campus.  

If you would like more information on IDEA Public Schools, please visit ideapublicschools.org. To learn more about the free summer meals program, or to request an interview with our Child Nutrition Program team, contact Alicia at alicia.myers@ideapublicschools.org.  

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. 

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About IDEA Public Schools 

IDEA Public Schools believes that each child can go to college. Since 2000, IDEA Public Schools has grown from a small school with 150 students to a network of tuition-free, K-12 public charter schools in the United States. Currently, the network serves over 80,000 college-bound students in 143 schools across Texas and its affiliates. IDEA has been recognized in national rankings for The Washington Post, The U.S. Department of Education’s list of Blue Ribbon Schools, and U.S. News & World Report’s Top High Schools lists.  

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