Texas Border Business
The City of McAllen officials officially inaugurated the newest feature of a community park, the Houston Skate Park, turning what was once empty land space into a nice little park on empty property just in between various neighborhoods.
The ceremony became more interesting because McAllen Mayor Jim Darling’s skate performance captivated everyone in attendance.
His idea was not to be outdone by City Manager Roel “Roy” Rodriguez, P.E., who previously skated at the Escandon Skate Park.
City of McAllen Mayor Jim Darling showed off his skateboard moves at today’s Houston Skateboard Park ribbon-cutting ceremony, joined by District 5 Commissioner John Ingram in whose district the project lies.
The oddly shaped land had lain vacant for years, once the site of a water tower demolished in 1998 and later, let abandoned for almost 20 years.
Almost the entire project was completed by McAllen Parks & Recreation Staff, including the design and construction work of earthwork, landscaping, irrigation, electrical, site lighting and fencing.
Pre-cast ramps were provided by American Ramp Company and the concrete foundations for the ramps, concrete slabs and sidewalks to connect ramps were provided by Prodigy Construction.
Some of the project includes recycled material including the site light from the Texas Department of Transportation Expressway project and using palm trees relocated from the Convention Center’s new Ware Road sign project.
“This land was just sitting here and now, the kids in this neighborhood can come here and safely play, skateboard, bike or roller skate, in this nicely enclosed developed skate park,” said Commissioner Ingram.
The total project costs were $101,856.79 coming from the City of McAllen Capital
Improvement Projects Fund and the Parks Amenities Improvement Funds.
Related article:
Escandon Skate Park Officially Inaugurated at Uvalde and 29th St.