Photo by Pollux Castor
Texas Border Business
By Roberto Hugo Gonzalez
The way of doing business has changed dramatically almost everywhere, about twenty years ago, give or take a few years, we started to see how the franchise concept was solidifying in the business world.
Today, this business concept is very successful especially for those that look for a ready-made business.
Texas Border Business met with Cesar Cepeda, a realtor and business consultant with AAA Real Estate, an investment firm based in McAllen, Texas.
Personally, Cesar has vast experience in business, having owned and operated successful businesses throughout his career. From this practice he has acquired valuable expertise on how to acquire and operate a successful business that he now shares with aspiring business people who have a desire to create wealth.
As a commercial realtor and a business consultant he places clients with an interest in business ownership in a process to find which business is the right fit for them. Cesar is very specific about how he helps his clients and said, “I use an advanced software program that is supplied with the information of the prospects and it gives me an important profile of my clients. When I get the report I am able to learn more about the investors’ motives as well as an accurate profile,” he said.
He also pointed out that if one of his clients is a religious person and wants to be involved in a restaurant business, but they attend church every Sunday, then this might not be a good fit for him.”
After 27 years of experience managing his businesses, Cesar retired 2 years ago to become a business consultant. Since then his life has changed from night to day. He enjoys sharing information with his clients about business franchises that will make them money.
Franchising is the practice of using another firm’s successful business model; that has become a very successful and proven business practice that makes money.
Cesar is associated with FranNet, an entity that partners with aspiring entrepreneurs to help determine the best franchise opportunities to match their goals, skill set, and lifestyle. This is possibly, the essence of Cesar’s expertise in just a few words.
As a franchise consultant, Cesar can provide valuable research and advice that people need to feel truly confident when making a decision to invest.
Cesar was born and raised in Mexico City; he attended college at the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Monterrey, Nuevo León and graduated in 1985 as a mechanical engineer.
Cesar pointed out that it was in a way dramatic how they were raised. “At one time we were in private schools living in nice neighborhoods in Mexico City and during the summer we lived in the jungle of Chiapas where my father was working. In the jungle, there was such poverty, no electricity, and no food services, so we saw that contrast,” Cesar said.
After finishing his studies in Monterrey where he met his wife, both went to Guaymas, a city located in the southwest part of the State of Sonora in northwestern Mexico. Later they moved to Reynosa for a few years. His parents were still living there and finally made a decision to move to McAllen.
Since Cesar grew up in a business environment it was very easy for him to become inspired and follow the example of his parents. “I remember that at age seven, I sold candy and toys while in elementary school during the lunch hour. I got in trouble for that with the teachers and my parents,” he said.
Cesar is married to Ingrid and they have two children; a daughter, Ingrid (21) is studying mechanical engineering, and a son, Cesar Jr. (19) who is very interested in science. “I think that my daughter might follow in my footsteps, she has a lot of business sense.”
During the many years he has been providing his services as a business consultant, he has identified one major challenge and that is culture. “We tend to be stubborn and focused on one goal only; it is great to be determined in reaching for one goal but not being able to accept different opinions is not always good for business,” he said.
For his part, he told Texas Border Business, he learned this lesson late in his life. If he had accepted others’ opinions, it could have saved him time and money. “We have to be open and listen to others’ opinions, and we can learn from each other.”
One thing that worries him the most in his line of business is that sometimes clients don’t take the due diligence process seriously. They don’t see how important this process is and consequently clients take the analysis lightly.
Cesar says he receives the most satisfaction from his profession on “Grand Opening Day.”
One very important advantage about Cesar is that he understands both cultures and that is the reason that sets him apart from any other professional. “I understand the American culture and the Hispanic culture and the blending is a challenging task,” Cesar said.
We asked if he sacrificed anything in order to do what he does now, “No, what I do was a plan of action, we were working many hours in our own businesses. We had a goal. I sold our businesses to become a consultant.”
Cesar says if he had a chance to do it over again, he would “Find the right mentor.”
He told Texas Border Business that the most important thing for him is his family’s happiness. “When you have met all your goals and all your family’s and your needs are fulfilled, you have happiness.”
He says that he wants to be remembered as “Someone that left something for everybody.”
Cesar is a proud member of the Rotary Club and believes that this is good way to give back to the community. “I joined Rotary Club which gives me a lot of satisfaction and the contribution we make expands multifold because of the many participants in the club.”
He says, “There is no stress in my life. I enjoy what I do, and that is helping people to get into the right investment. That is my passion.” His immediate plan is to make sure that his clients create wealth and his long-term plans are to receive residual income to live and do whatever he pleases.
Cesar feels the greatest satisfaction when his clients are successful. “I feel pain for others that didn’t seek advice. If I could share my knowledge and experience with your readers, one thing I would tell them is get the right advice and execute a plan,” he said candidly.
If you are looking for a business idea, call Cesar Cepeda at 956-821-3765, the consultation is free.