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Thursday, September 26, 2024
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Detective Benjamin Garcia Begins an 800-Mile Journey to McAllen to Support Families of Fallen Officers

Detective Garcia’s mission is not just his—it belongs to all of us.

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Courtesy of Detective Benjamin Garcia’s Facebook
Courtesy of Detective Benjamin Garcia’s Facebook
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By Roberto Hugo González

As McAllen prepares for the arrival of San Antonio Police Department Detective Benjamin Garcia, the community must understand his journey’s magnitude and purpose. Garcia, an ultramarathon runner, is on a mission far more significant than a personal challenge—he’s running nearly 800 miles, from Amarillo to McAllen, to raise awareness and funds for the South Texas chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.), an organization that provides vital support to the families of officers killed in the line of duty.

The Purpose Behind the Run

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Detective Garcia’s journey is fueled by a deeply personal mission: to generate support for C.O.P.S., an organization he has witnessed working firsthand. The South Texas chapter, part of the national C.O.P.S. organization, offers essential services to the families and coworkers of fallen officers. Their programs range from grief counseling to financial assistance, helping families rebuild their lives after an unthinkable loss. The organization also provides outreach to police departments, recognizing that fellow officers are equally impacted by the deaths of their partners and coworkers.

Through this ultramarathon, Garcia aims to raise funds to expand C.O.P.S.’s ability to provide these services, ensuring that no family or police department navigates the tragic loss of an officer alone.

The 800-Mile Journey

Garcia’s run began on September 26th at the Amarillo Police Department. Over the course of approximately three weeks, he will make his way south, covering roughly 40 miles a day, to reach the McAllen Police Department around October 18th or 19th. This run represents Garcia’s most extended trek yet—surpassing his previous record of 273 miles from San Antonio to McAllen.

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Despite running 40 miles daily, Garcia approaches the challenge with humor and resilience despite the physical and mental demands. He jokingly describes his “fuel” as pizza, beer, burgers, and tacos, but beneath the humor lies a determination born from his experiences with the families of fallen officers. Garcia has seen the devastating impact of these losses and is committed to ensuring that C.O.P.S. can continue its essential work in helping those left behind.

Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.)

C.O.P.S. is a nonprofit organization with a mission to support the survivors of officers who have died in the line of duty. Their services extend to families and fellow officers, providing emotional, financial, and logistical support. These services are critical during immense grief, offering families a lifeline as they begin the difficult healing process.

Some of the key services provided by C.O.P.S. include:

  • Grief Counseling: Professional emotional support for family members and officers alike.
  • Financial Assistance: Help with costs related to travel, memorial services, and other expenses.
  • Community Outreach: Support programs for police departments and coworkers affected by the loss of an officer.

Detective Garcia’s run is not just about raising awareness—it’s about ensuring that C.O.P.S. can continue to offer these services to the families and departments in South Texas affected by the tragic loss of their loved ones.

How McAllen and the Rio Grande Valley Can Help

As Garcia nears McAllen, the community has a unique opportunity to support this extraordinary cause. Donations are crucial to help C.O.P.S. continue its work, and McAllenites and the entire Rio Grande Valley can contribute in several ways:

  • Donations: Anyone wishing to support Garcia’s mission can donate directly to C.O.P.S. by visiting their website at concernsofpolicesurvivors.org.
  • Spreading Awareness: Sharing Garcia’s journey through social media or local networks can help raise awareness for the cause and encourage more people to donate.
  • Welcoming Garcia: As Garcia approaches McAllen, the community can offer support by cheering him on as he reaches his destination at the McAllen Police Department.

The Emotional Impact of Garcia’s Mission

This run is not just a physical challenge for Garcia but deeply emotional. The idea that his efforts might make a difference in the lives of families experiencing the worst moment fuels him through each mile. The knowledge that C.O.P.S. can provide comfort, assistance, and a sense of community to grieving families is a powerful motivator.

Garcia’s journey is a reminder of the sacrifices made by law enforcement officers and the importance of supporting their families when tragedy strikes. It’s also a testament to the impact that one person can make when driven by compassion and a sense of responsibility.

As Detective Benjamin Garcia nears the finish line of his 800-mile run, McAllen is called upon to rally behind his cause. Garcia’s run represents more than physical endurance—it demonstrates his dedication to helping families of fallen officers and raising awareness for the crucial work of C.O.P.S. His journey is an embodiment of service, compassion, and resilience.

Let’s show Detective Garcia that he’s not alone on this mission in Rio Grande Valley and McAllen. Whether through donations, spreading awareness, or simply coming out to cheer him on as he reaches the city, we can all support this incredible cause. Visit https://www.concernsofpolicesurvivors.org to contribute and help make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Detective Garcia’s mission is not just his—it belongs to all of us.

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