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Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Department of Justice grant Improving District Security

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Pictured is one of the new radios purchased with the COPS grant funds and being deployed by the Mission CISD safety and security department.

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Mission, Texas – A large grant from the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has started improving security for Mission Consolidated Independent School District (CISD). Earlier in the school year, the district was notified that it was to receive a $367,374 grant from the DOJ’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS). 

A portion of the grant was used to purchase a special, two-way, digital radio system for security officers. The radios arrived in time to begin to be utilized by officers for the commencement ceremonies held recently at Tom Landry Hall of Fame Stadium. 

“Our officers are now able to communicate between campuses for improved responses when needed,” explained Martin Castañeda, coordinator for safety and security. “This new system allows us to communicate directly with our community first responders as a part of their radio system. This can really make a difference in emergency responses.”

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The district is also in the process of purchasing a panic button style emergency alert system with funds from the COPS grant. This alert system will be implemented at each of the district’s schools and operational/support facilities. Officials say this can also greatly improve emergency response times. 

“The COPS grant is really helping the district as we continue to make improvements to school safety and security,” said Dr. Carol G. Perez, superintendent of schools. “We are continuously working on improvements, and strengthening communication with our first responder partners will go a long way in helping keep students, staff, and visitors safe.”

The DOJ indicates the funds from the COPS grant are to be used to develop or improve school safety projects, such as enhancing school threat assessment efforts, as well as to implement technological solutions that improve reporting of suspicious activity in and around schools. 

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