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Friday, February 7, 2025
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Cornyn: After Orlando, More Counter-Terrorism Measures Needed to Defeat ISIS

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U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX)
U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX)   Phto archive by Roberto Hugo Gonzalez

Texas Border Business

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“The Orlando attack was not just a random act of violence. It was a calculated act of terror.”  

“We ought to be about finding a way to come together on a bipartisan basis to make sure this sort of travesty is not repeated over and over and over again. And the only way we’re going to do it is get serious about giving the FBI the tools they need and also to fight and crush ISIS and its dangerous ideology where it resides.”

WASHINGTON –U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) spoke on the Senate floor today responding to the terror attack in Orlando this weekend and highlighting what needs to be done to combat ISIS and protect Americans.  Excerpts of his remarks are below, and video can be found here.

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“I know the country is in shock and still trying to evaluate as we continue to learn from the FBI’s investigation more about the terrorist attack in Orlando, one that killed almost 50 people and, of course, left dozens injured. According to the latest reports, one of the victims was Frank Escalante from Weslaco, Texas. My heart goes out to Frank  and his family and friends, and all those others who lost loved ones early Sunday morning.” 

“Coming together now, we must work not only to mourn and grieve those lives lost, but also to try to make a difference. It’s time to act. The Orlando attack was not just a random act of violence. It was a calculated act of terror.”  

“We have to take these threats seriously and do everything we can to counter the ideology, which provides a threat to our security, both within and without our borders. But we also need an honest conversation about how to move forward legislation that might have the effect of preventing attacks like this in the future.” 

“Too often the FBI and other local law enforcement officers have to operate with one hand tied behind their back because they can’t access key pieces of information like encrypted data.” 

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“That means that law enforcement could still be missing critical information that could uncover future plots or identify more terrorists, both abroad and here at home.” 

“I hope the Senate has an opportunity to consider an amendment I introduced to a bill that would update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. It would help FBI agents get access to critical information faster to prevent terrorist attacks.” 

“The FBI Director has made clear this is his top legislative priority, and it’s also supported by President Obama and his Administration. So I believe it’s our duty, now more than ever, to do something about it, to make sure that the FBI has critical counterterrorism tools to be able to identify potential threats before they commit horrific acts of violence like we saw in Orlando.”

“I hope this week, perhaps, as we debate what the appropriate response is to dealing with these acts of mass terror, we look at the legislation that I introduced last December which would notify the FBI in the event someone on a watch list attempts to purchase a firearm and then give the FBI a chance, if the evidence warrants it, to detain that individual and to deny them access to the firearm. And moreover, I would hope we also provide the FBI with additional tools in order to identify those radicalized Americans in place who pose a potential threat here in the homeland.” 

“What we need most of all in this fight against radical Islamic ideology is leadership, leadership from the White House, and a strategy, which we still are waiting for, and a commitment to root out and destroy ISIS and its affiliates. I get the sense that the President and his national security team feel like this is something they can contain. But this is not something they can contain.”

“We ought to be about finding a way to come together on a bipartisan basis to make sure this sort of travesty is not repeated over and over and over again. And the only way we’re going to do it is get serious about giving the FBI the tools they need and also to fight and crush ISIS and its dangerous ideology where it resides.”

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