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Board of Directors and Advisory Board for 2021-2022 Announced

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Left to Right:  Lauren D., Rebecca C., Anita M., Denise A., Yirla R.G.N., Vianey G., Maritza L., Lisa K., Thelma T., Linda B. Courtesy image
Left to Right:  Lauren D., Rebecca C., Anita M., Denise A., Yirla R.G.N., Vianey G., Maritza L., Lisa K., Thelma T., Linda B. Courtesy image

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McAllen, TX: The Junior League of McAllen (JLM) proudly announces its Board of Directors for the 2021-2022 league year. The Junior League of McAllen is a not-for-profit organization of diverse women that has been investing in the Hidalgo County community and its members for 84 years.

The Junior League of McAllen is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the McAllen community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. JLM’s membership is comprised of over 280 members that include Provisionals, Actives, and Sustainers.

The JLM Board includes 11 women who are active members of JLM, have given hundreds of volunteer hours to planning and implementing events and fundraisers, and dedicated themselves to JLM and giving back to the City of McAllen and surrounding areas. The Board of Directors is responsible for governance and management of the organization for a one-year term commenced on July 1, 2021.

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2021-2022 Board of Directors

President: Yirla Rubi Gonzalez Nolan

President-Elect: Cynthia Villanueva

VP of Community Impact: Rebecca Castillo

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VP of Finance: Linda Brotherton

VP of Membership: Thelma Tamez

VP of Communications: Maritza R. Luebbers

VP of Fund Development: Lauren Yvette Duff

Treasurer: Denise Alonzo

2021-2022 Advisory Board

Past President: Vianey Gonzalez

Sustaining Advisor: Anita Moon

Sustaining Chair: Lisa Keller

The Junior League of McAllen serves its mission through direct service projects, advocacy, training, grants, and partnerships with other Hidalgo County organizations. Some of the past JLM projects include the creation of a community house for underprivileged girls in 1939, the McAllen Child Clinic in 1941, funding for the children’s wing in the McAllen Memorial Library in 1948, the founding of the International Museum of Art & Science, and the Kids in the Kitchen program. 

In the last couple of years, JLM has awarded over $25,000 in grants to local charities and projects. In partnership with the Food Bank RGV, JLM has distributed thousands of meals to local families. JLM has also collected over 4,000 toiletry items for Mujeres Unidas, donated over 1,000 professional pieces of clothing to the UTRGV Student Closet, donated 300 care packages to local healthcare heroes, and coordinated the Kids in the Kitchen program for over 400 McAllen children.

The Junior League of McAllen strives to be the organization of choice for voluntarism and community partnerships to improve the health and well-being of women and children in McAllen and surrounding areas. JLM’s commitment has remained unwavering: to develop exceptionally qualified civic leaders who can identify a community’s most urgent and pressing needs and address them with meaningful and relevant programs and initiatives that not only improve lives but change the way people think. 

The Junior League of McAllen has a current community focus on Poverty Intervention, Health & Wellbeing, Family Support, and Arts, Education, & Cultural Enrichment.

For more information on membership or partnership opportunities, please contact President Yirla Rubi Gonzalez Nolan at 956-445-3008 or president@juniorleaguemcallen.org

About Junior League of McAllen: The Junior League of McAllen is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the McAllen community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

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