Texas Border Business
With the recent announcement of the purchase and restoration plans for the corner property at Texas Blvd. and 6th Street, it was a welcomed sign that downtown Weslaco continues to redefine itself as a diverse shopping experience for Valley residents.
Mixed use development plans for the 3,000 plus square foot building include office and/or retail space for the two units on the ground floor and nicely equipped, one bedroom apartments above.
The Economic Development Corporation of Weslaco approved an incentive amount applied towards restoration plans that would assist in code improvements to plumbing, electrical, insulation, ceiling and structural upgrades. “It was a do or die deal,” said property owner Mario Mendiola. “Renovating the building was going to cost us more than the price of the building and without the EDC’s incentive, we would have walked.”
“That corner needed a shot in the arm,” says EDC Vice President, Diana Fuentes Aguilar, who also owns an office building downtown. “The two story building will now anchor the south-most entrance into our historic downtown with a more picturesque presence.”
Two EDC grants specifically targeting older downtown buildings include the Weslaco 100 and Facade Grants that match up to 50% of the cost of code and facade improvements up to certain limits. Downtown business owners can learn more about the grants by visiting the EDC office at 275 S. Kansas Ave., or by calling 956-969-0838.

Other exciting changes to downtown Weslaco include three dining establishments that are either new, expanding or relocating. The New York Deli has moved into the former Pimientos Restaurant on Kansas & 4th Street. The location sits opposite a 40 unit apartment complex serving students attending UTRGV’s Robert C. Vackar College of Business & Entrepreneurship.
El Compadres Restaurant now has their second location in Weslaco at 702 S. Texas Blvd. at what used to be Basil Asia. Owners created a more refined upper casual dining experience with authentic cuisine. At the ground floor of the Historic Villa De Cortez at Bus. 83 & Texas Blvd., a new conceptual 80’s theme bar and grill is moving in called, “Rewind,” and owners hope to offer an alternative for a more mature crowd. The building at 331 S. Texas Blvd. was also recently purchased and is expected to become a medium to small-scale event center. The building was previously the H & Kay Bakery Supply store. At 538 S. Texas Blvd. a family owned music store called Mr. Music opens soon with instruments & accessories as well as offering piano and guitar lessons.
“What is significant about these recent additions is that stability and profitability continue to be relevant factors to investors looking at downtown Weslaco,” says Marie McDermott, Executive Director of the EDC of Weslaco. “It also shows that Weslaco’s growth is diversified and spread out evenly and offers a sense of balance for both the store owners and shoppers.