Texas Border Business
Texas Rural Communities has awarded Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement (VIDA) a grant in the amount of $5,000 to fund participants living in rural communities from Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr and Willacy Counties.
We are immensely thankful to Texas Rural Communities for selecting VIDA as one of their grant recipients and recognizing the importance of enhancing higher education opportunities for student success. Through this collaboration, VIDA will continue uplifting our communities across the RGV by providing financial assistance and case management services to underserved students living in rural areas” said Felida Villarreal, VIDA’s Deputy Executive Director.
Texas Rural Communities board member, Dr. Socorro Espinoza will be presenting the donation at the VIDA offices on Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 3 p.m., 417 South Ohio Avenue, Mercedes, Texas.
For 26 years, VIDA has helped over 6,000 economically-disadvantaged valley residents achieve workforce success through long-term career training. In 2021, VIDA assisted 464 participants pursue careers in target demand occupations and prepare them to enter the workforce earning family sustaining wages.Our persistence rate was 93% and best of all, the average annual salary upon their graduation was $45,614! This is a true representation of human capital investment and aligning workforce skills with local industry demand.
To learn more about VIDA, please visit www.vidacareers.org or call 956.903-1900, 1.800.478.1770