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Monday, March 10, 2025
55.1 F
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The International Boundary and Water Commission (USIBWC) seeks community members interested in the Lower Rio Grande Citizens Forum (LRGCF).

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            The United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission (USIBWC) is seeking applications from community members interested in participating in the Lower Rio Grande Citizens Forum (LRGCF).  The LRGCF was established in 2003 to facilitate the exchange of information between the USIBWC and members of the public about Commission activities and related issues in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

            The Commission is responsible for applying the boundary and water treaties between the United States and Mexico.  Commission responsibilities in the Lower Rio Grande Valley include maintenance of Rio Grande flood control levees and diversion dams, water quality monitoring, boundary demarcation at international bridges, tracking Mexico’s water deliveries to the United States in accordance with the 1944 Water Treaty, and review of plans to construct new infrastructure across or along the Rio Grande to ensure compliance with applicable treaties.

            The Lower Rio Grande Citizens Forum is intended to bring together community members, enabling the early and continued two-way flow of information, concerns, values, and needs between the USIBWC and the general public, environmentalists, government agencies, irrigation districts, municipalities, and other interested parties.  Duties and responsibilities of LRGCF board members will include reviewing and commenting on technical documents and activities associated with USIBWC projects in the area. Past meetings of the LRGCF have addressed such issues as rehabilitation of Rio Grande flood control levees, water quality studies,  and dam safety.

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            Terms for all board members have expired so the USIBWC has opened the application process to the general public.  Incumbent board members who wish to continue their service may apply for another term.

                                          The board conducts regular public meetings in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, approximately four times per year, to discuss plans and issues related to ongoing and future USIBWC projects and related activities. Board members serve as volunteers for a two-year term and are expected to attend all meetings. 

                                          Members of the public who would like an application form for the Lower Rio Grande Citizens Forum may contact the USIBWC Lower Rio Grande Field Office at 956-565-3150 or Public Affairs Assistant Shellie Muñoz at Shellie.Munoz@ibwc.gov.  Applications are due March 11, 2016.  The application and additional information are also available at: https://www.ibwc.gov/Citizens_Forums/CF_Lower_RG.html

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