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Monday, February 10, 2025
75.7 F
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TxDOT Workers Rescue Cat from Expressway in Brownsville

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This past Friday, a sign crew from our TxDOT Brownsville Maintenance Section rescued a cat from a center barrier along I-69E, near the Boca Chica exit. Image Courtesy of TxDOT
This past Friday, a sign crew from our TxDOT Brownsville Maintenance Section rescued a cat from a center barrier along I-69E, near the Boca Chica exit. Image Courtesy of TxDOT
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This past Friday, a sign crew from our TxDOT Brownsville Maintenance Section rescued a cat from a center barrier along I-69E, near the Boca Chica exit.

A cat hanging on the barrier of he exit. Image courtesy of TxDOT
Oscar, safe and sound after the heroic efforts of the TxDOT workers. Image courtesy of TxDOT

Oscar Pantoja De la Garza, a new employee, spotted the animal clinging to a sign base, in between fast-moving expressway traffic.

Fortunately, Oscar was able to remove the fearful feline from the center barrier and then reached out to a local animal rescue group to foster it. 

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Oscar loves animals and shares that caring for a pet can help children grow up more secure and active and can provide valuable companionship for older adults.

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