Texas Border Business
TxDOT is looking to create a more efficient transportation system tailored to the unique needs of the Rio Grande Valley area, and drivers can help make that happen by taking a travel survey. See the Survey at https://www.lonestartravelsurvey.com/.
TxDOT is conducting household and business travel surveys in collaboration with the Rio Grande Valley (RGV)Metropolitan Planning Organization across several regional metropolitan areas. This survey will provide data about local travel patterns and will assist TxDOT and their partners in deciding which transportation projects will enhance theregional transportation networks.
Household surveys:
TxDOT’s contractor will send postcards in the mail to targeted households to sign up at: https://www.lonestartravelsurvey.com/. Once 2500 households have been confirmed, selected residents will record travel for 24-hours on an assigned weekday, during the school year, using a downloaded phone app or by entering travel online. For further information on this process, please go to this txdot.gov. site. Anyone can participate in the travel survey and the survey could take about 15 minutes to complete, depending on travel experiences.
Business surveys:
TxDOT’s contractor will mail letters directly to businesses in the region to recruit participation. Once owners have agreed to take the survey, a date will be assigned to have survey respondents fill out information about their travel. There will also be counting equipment to capture the amount of vehicle traffic in and out of a location.
For additional information about the TxDOT Travel Survey Program, visit txdot.gov or contact the Travel Survey Program Manager, Sonya Solinsky at (512)-983-4608 or sonya.solinsky@txdot.gov.