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Thursday, October 10, 2024
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The Lost World of the Coahuiltecan Peoples Presentation by Lisa Adam Thursday at Quinta Mazatlán

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Author Lisa Kay Adam presents her beautiful book xuai on the ancient Coahuiltecan peoples, Thursday, March 4, 5:30 to 6:30 at Quinta Mazatlán in McAllen. Advance reservations required at ticketleap.com. Adam will have books for sale—and will sign for that special gift to yourself or other.

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Quinta Mazatlán is hosting author Lisa Kay Adam on Thursday, March 4, 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm on The Back Porch at Quinta Mazatlán.  Adam has taken the whispered and fragmented words of the ancient Coahuiltecan peoples and expanded the meanings into poems and stories.  Her book, xuai, will be for sale and signing for that unique gift!

Lisa Adams Book Xuai

The book, xuai:  mission-house-village-town, opens up a window of imagination into the experience of indigenous peoples who lived in the Spanish colonial missions of South Texas and northeastern Mexico.  The poems incorporate phrases and words from their long-silent language, as well as elements from the history, natural history, and archeology of the region.  The book features color illustrations from a rare colonial map of the area.  Bob Holman, Co-director of the Endangered Language Alliance shared,” This is a book of audacious imagination”. He continues “There is no higher purpose for poetry than to be the vehicle for language itself to survive.  That is the purpose of xuai.”

Lisa Kay Adam grew up in South Texas, spending many childhood hours under the shade of a honey mesquite tree.    She earned her undergraduate degree in anthropology and English from UT Austin, and her PhD in historical geography and anthropology at Louisiana State University.  She has published poetry and essays in the Nature Conservancy Magazine, The Christian Science Monitor and many other journals.  Adam has enjoyed a long career in history and art museums and now volunteers with the Texas Master Naturalists.

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Join us on The Back Porch at Quinta Mazatlán, Thursday, March 4, 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm, $5 per person.  As outdoor class size is limited for health protocols, please book in advance at www.quintamazatlan.ticketleap.com.  Please follow current Covid-19 Safety Guidelines while in the Park.  For more information, contact (956) 681-3370 and follow Quinta Mazatlán on social media.

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