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Friday, July 26, 2024
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STC Celebrates Over 4,000 Graduates, Among Them 500 Dual Credit Graduates

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STC graduating students. Photo by Noah Mangum González
STC Graduating Students. Photo by Noah Mangum González
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By Roberto Hugo González

South Texas College radiated with pride and jubilation as over 4,000 students, 500 dual-credit graduates from various divisions, were honored in a momentous commencement ceremony. The event was graced by the presence of the Board of Trustees, including Dr. Alejo Salinas, Jr., Vice President; Ms. Dalinda Gonzalez Alcantar; and Mr. Paul Rodriguez, who played an essential role in the students’ journey. The ceremony also welcomed distinguished guests and partners from school districts, highlighting the invaluable partnerships between the college and public schools.

Dr. Ricardo Solis, President of South Texas College. Photo by Noah Mangum González

However, it was the impassioned speech by Dr. Ricardo J. Solis, the college president, that truly captured the spirit of the occasion. With warmth and enthusiasm, Dr. Solis not only commended the graduates for their remarkable achievements but also underscored the profound significance of their dedication and sacrifices. He acknowledged their associate degrees and certificates as symbols of resilience and determination, deserving of the celebration unfolding before them.

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Dr. Ricardo Solis, and Dr. Alejo Salinas, Jr., Photo by Noah Mangum González

Dr. Solis vividly portrayed the graduates’ journey, acknowledging the countless hours of hard work and commitment that had led them to this important moment. He asserted that their decision to pursue college in high school exemplified their ability to achieve any dream or goal.

Dr. Solis’s words resonated deeply with the audience, instilling a sense of pride and inspiration. He reminded the graduates that they were paving their paths and inspiring future generations. With each milestone reached, they were shaping their destinies and leaving a permanent mark on the world.

The Celebration of Dual-Credit Graduates. Photo by Noah Mangum González

Amidst applause and admiration, Dr. Solis took a moment to express gratitude to the faculty, whose support had guided the graduates on their educational journey. He called upon the graduates to acknowledge the crucial role played by their parents, whose endless support and encouragement had fueled their perseverance.

The ceremony continued with the recognition of distinguished graduates, each adorned in honorary regalia that symbolized their academic accomplishments. As their names were called, they walked across the stage, their faces beaming with pride and accomplishment. Each graduate was then immortalized in a photograph alongside Dr. Solis, capturing the essence of this monumental day.

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South Texas College graduates at the Bert Ogden Arena on May 3, 2024. Photo by Noah Mangum González

As the ceremony drew to a close, Dr. Solis offered his heartfelt congratulations again, urging the graduates to embrace the opportunities ahead. With the fervent spirit of the jaguar, the college mascot, echoing in the air, the graduates embarked on a new chapter of their lives, armed with knowledge, determination, and endless possibilities.

The commencement ceremony at South Texas College culminated in academic achievements propelled by perseverance and inspiration; as the graduates ventured into the world, they carried with them the pride of their alma mater and the promise of a bright future.

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