Texas Border Business
MCALLEN, TEXAS (Feb. 23, 2018 )- The Physical Science Department at South Texas College (STC) will host students from across the Rio Grande Valley as part of the 12th annual Regional Science Olympiad Feb. 24.
Intended to increase student interest in math and science, the Olympiad will consist of competitions in 14 different events including physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, engineering, and forensics.
Students will compete in two divisions, providing opportunities for those at the high school and middle school level. Winning teams can progress to the State competition and potentially compete at the national level.
“This is a STEM competition for middle school and high school students in the Rio Grande Valley,” said Dr. Ludivina Avila, a chemistry instructor at STC and coordinator of the annual event. “This is an opportunity for them to be able to compete against other schools in the Valley as well as against teams from out of town and get experience in the STEM field.”
The Science Olympiad is a nonprofit organization developed to improve the quality of science education, increase student interest in science, and provide recognition of outstanding achievement in science education by students and teachers. All of this is done through interscholastic competitions where students in grades 6-12 can participate in regional, state, and national level competitions against teams from all 50 states.
12th annual RGV Regional Science Olympiad
When & Where:
Feb. 24 at STC Pecan Campus, 3201 W. Pecan Blvd., McAllen TX.
Who: Middle school and high school students from across the Valley will attend.
For more information on the Olympiad, and how to participate, please contact Dr. Ludivina Avila, chemistry professor and coordinator of the event at 956-872-3511 or aludy@southtexascollege.edu. Use the hashtag #rgvscienceolympiad to keep up with the latest STC Science Olympiad news.