Texas Border Business
McAllen, TX (December 14, 2015) – “I did it, I did it!” This proud statement was heard over and over again by Dr. Shirley A. Reed, president of South Texas College (STC), as she awarded more than 1,000 graduates their diplomas during the December 2015 Commencement Ceremonies on Saturday, December 12, at the State Farm Arena. Approximately 1,831 students conferred their certificate, associate or bachelor’s degrees from STC this December 2015.

“We are transforming this region one student and one family at a time,” said Dr. Reed. “The number of nurses, welders, diesel technicians and students who also earned their baccalaureate degrees are growing. Our students are entering the workforce immediately with good paying careers. This is why the college was created; to create a high wage for high skill jobs. The numbers of graduates this year is a testimony to how well STC is doing just that.”
This is the second year STC held December Commencement Ceremonies in order to accommodate the rapidly growing number of graduates. Earlier this year, approximately 5,700 students earned their certificate, associate or bachelor’s degrees from STC, including approximately 1600 dual enrollment students who earned certificate or associate degrees before graduating from high school.
“It is very important that every student has the opportunity to participate in our commencement ceremonies,” said Dr. Reed. “You can see the pride as they cross the stage. The experience is reaffirming to the graduates and their families. That one graduate is sending a message to his or her family, friends and neighbors that they too can go to go college and be successful.”
Included in the December graduation number are approximately 108 Bachelor Program students who earned either a Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT) in Technology Management, Computer and Information Technologies, Medical and Health Services Management or a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Organizational Leadership. STC is one of only three community colleges approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to offer bachelor’s degrees.
“After only one and a half years, I earned my bachelor’s degree in technology management,” said Antonino Reyna. “I graduated from Donna High School in 2013 as a STC dual enrollment student and earned an associate degree in computer science. I was able to apply those credits to STC’s Bachelor Program. It’s motivating for my three younger siblings to see how in such a short amount of time, and a lot of hard work, I was able to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. I definitely feel that I am setting an example for them.”
STC offers more than 118 degree and certificate program options in a variety of liberal art, social science, business, math, science, technology, advanced manufacturing and nursing and allied health fields of study. With more than 150 agreements with colleges and universities across the nation, transfer opportunities for students who wish to continue their education beyond STC’s offerings are also available. For more information regarding South Texas College, including registration for spring 2016, visit southtexascollege.edu or call 956.872.8311.