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She Sells Insurance and Passionately Gives Back to the Community

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Lourdes Huizar, broker and owner of Divine Insurance Agency
Lourdes Huizar, broker and owner of Divine Insurance Agency

As originally published by Texas Border Business newsprint edition January 2018

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Getting covered by an insurance plan is a big deal. Many people get overwhelmed by the variety of insurance plans that are available for them. Often times, they don’t choose correctly. To Lourdes Huizar, broker and owner of Divine Insurance Agency, finding a plan that suits her clients is the number one priority.

“I do all their finances and a specific questionnaire to see what type of insurance they need. We don’t just pop somebody into a plan.” Said Huizar. “It’s based on their goals, what they need, and their budget. All that is taken into consideration.”

Divine Insurance Agency has been in business since 2011. After a couple years of working as a manager for another insurance company, Huizar decided to start her own insurance agency.

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“I started it because I didn’t want to be focused on one specific product. There are many other products that can help the client. I felt like I was forced to put them in a plan because I worked for that company, so I became a broker so I could represent other companies.” She said.

Divine Insurance Agency focuses on providing insurance plans for small business owners. They represent many different businesses including commercial, health, and life insurance.

“Pretty much, we encompass all the different types of insurance. We work with small businesses; we go to them and we help them get a plan of action to protect their business,” said Huizar. “Whether it’s from general liability or to have the right health insurance for their employees or maybe a personal life insurance for them.”

Huizar is a big advocate of supporting the local community. She is a runner and promotes races that give back to people in need. Just a couple weeks ago she helped out sending several trucks with provisions to Houston, where Hurricane Harvey hit.

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“I help a lot with the community, like for instance these hurricanes, at the agency we acquired a lot of items such as clothes, water and anything that we could take out there. We sent several trucks out there to Houston.” Huizar said. “I like to help out kids who are undergoing cancer. I’m a very big advocate of that. I’m a runner so I usually promote a lot of runs to keep everybody healthy and active, and to also get better rates for life insurance.”

Huizar likes to promote life insurance for her clients. Especially, for those who are small business owners and illness can make them lose a lot of what they have worked hard for.

“The life insurance I like to promote is the life insurance that has living benefits, because it helps protect the clients in case they were to get an illness such as a heart attack, stroke, or cancer and they don’t die, they can take out a portion of their life insurance out,” she said.

“Like I mentioned, with this insurance if the business owner gets sick we want to make sure that there’s something in place for them to continue their business. They work very hard to establish their business; we want to make sure that they are able to keep it. We don’t want to let them lose it due to an illness if they’re not prepared.”

For more information, contact Lourdes Huizar by calling 956-310-8482. Divine Insurance Agency is located at 5401 N. 10th St., Suite A, in McAllen, Texas 78504.

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