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Tuesday, March 4, 2025
88.8 F
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Shary Road Widening Projects Set for Construction in Mid-March

Improvements will accommodate increasing traffic volume and enhance safety

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Construction is scheduled to begin in mid-March on the first of two phases of FM 494 (Shary Road) widening projects, in the cities of McAllen and Alton. Courtesy image
Construction is scheduled to begin in mid-March on the first of two phases of FM 494 (Shary Road) widening projects, in the cities of McAllen and Alton. Courtesy image
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McALLEN/ALTON – Construction is scheduled to begin in mid-March on the first of two phases of FM 494 (Shary Road) widening projects, in the cities of McAllen and Alton.

Phase One will increase capacity and enhance safety on FM 494, from State Highway 107 (Mile 7 Road) to FM 676 (Mile 5 Road). The existing two-lane route will be widened to include four 12-foot-wide travel lanes (two lanes in each direction), one 16-foot-wide continuous left turn lane, 10-foot-wide outside shoulders and 6-foot-wide sidewalks. Phase One will also include the installation of an underground storm drain system and two drainage outfalls.

Courtesy image

The cost of Phase One construction is $20 million, and completion of Phase One is expected inAugust of 2027.

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In the first phase of construction, road crews will install a temporary irrigation bypass for Mile 6Road and Mile 7 Road. Construction of several irrigation crossings are also planned. Drivers will encounter four detours during construction: two for the construction of the irrigation bypass at Mile 7 and two for the construction of the irrigation bypass at Mile 6.

Mile 7 Detours:
1. For work at FM 494 and Mile 7 west, traffic traveling east will be diverted north to State Highway 107 through Glasscock then south on FM 494.
2. For work at FM 494 and Mile 7 east, traffic traveling west will be diverted north to State Highway 107 through Ware Road then south on FM 494.
Mile 6 Detours:
1. For work at FM 494 and Mile 6 east, traffic traveling west will be diverted north to State Highway 107 through Ware Road then south on FM 494.
2. For work at FM 494 and Mile 6 west, traffic traveling east will be diverted north to State Highway 107 through SH 107 (Conway Avenue) then south on FM 494.

Drivers are advised to follow all posted warning signs, traffic control devices and speed limit signs in this work zone. Traffic fines double in work zones when workers are present.

Phase Two construction, expected in late 2025, will make similar improvements to FM 494(Shary Road), from FM 676 (Mile 5 Road) to FM 1924 (Mile 3 Road), within the city limits of McAllen and Palmhurst.

The FM 494 widening projects have been coordinated with several local entities which include Hidalgo County Precinct 3, the City of Alton, the City of Mission, the City of Palmhurst, the City of McAllen, United Irrigation District, Hidalgo County Drainage District #1 and Hidalgo County.

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