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Monday, March 10, 2025
51.8 F
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Senator Hinojosa Welcomes Dr. Guy Bailey to the Valley as UTRGV new president and Thanks UT-Pan American President Robert Nelsen, a candidate finalist for his many years of tireless dedication and passionate service

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 Texas Border Business

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AUSTIN – Today, The University of Texas System Board of Regents announced Dr. Guy Bailey as the founding President of The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. His appointment signals an extraordinary step forward in the formation of UTRGV and highlights the critical role he will play in building a top-tier university from the ground up.

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, author of the legislation that created the new university and medical school, is pleased with the decision of the UT System: 

“I am pleased with the selection by the UT Board of Regents of the new President of The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Dr. Guy Bailey, who will be able to guide our university and communities in physically transforming a dream into a reality.    

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Just as the name UT Rio Grande Valley best exemplifies our unity and the many Valley communities and cultures joining together with common focus and direction, it is our hope that our founding President will exemplify strong and effective leadership while embracing a regional mindset to move us forward to achieve the endless educational and healthcare benefits for our families that UTRGV envisions. 

I want to thank UT-Pan American President Robert Nelsen, a finalist in the UTRGV presidential candidate search, for his many years of tireless dedication and passionate service to our students and our community. His tremendous accomplishments at UTPA have left a lasting impression as he created a better place for our students to pursue their higher education ambitions.

Although there will be challenges ahead, we will work as a team with Dr. Bailey who will have an incredible impact in shaping our goals for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  We look forward to working with Dr. Bailey and we will do whatever we can to help him succeed in creating a top-tier university and medical school.” 

Dr. Guy Bailey was selected as the result of an extensive nationwide search conducted by the UT System. A search advisory committee which included representatives from UT Brownsville, UT Pan American and the South Texas community assisted with the process. The new President, Dr. Bailey, is the former University of Alabama President.

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