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WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas-21) introduced the Personalized Care Act (PCA). The bill makes Americans’ health care more portable, accessible, and tailored to meet their unique needs. It expands Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), enabling millions of Americans to access and utilize these tax advantaged savings tools to manage their health care costs.
Upon introduction, Sen. Cruz said, “I’m fighting to return control to patients and their doctors—not Washington bureaucrats. Democrats are pushing for full government control of America’s health care. The Personalized Care Act expands Health Savings Accounts, increases portability, and makes it easier for families to make health care decisions for themselves. I urge my colleagues to pass this legislation expeditiously.”
Rep. Roy said, “Every year America’s healt hcare system becomes more expensive and less accessible due to the crony capitalist swamp of corporate and government interests that prioritizes power and profits over patients and doctors. The Personalized Care Act would re-empower the American people to break out of this broken system to make their own health care decisions with control over their health care dollars — as outlined in my recent report on America’s health care system. I am proud to introduce this bill with my friend Senator Ted Cruz to take on the Big Health Care racket. If we want to Make America Healthy Again — if we want to make care truly affordable — the answer is health care freedom. The Personalized Care Act is a needed step towards that goal.”
This legislation was cosponsored by Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.).
Rep. Roy (R-Texas-21) introduced the companion legislation in the House.
Read the bill text here.
Sen. Cruz has led this effort to provide greater health care freedom since 2019. |
The PCA would: |
Offer millions of Americans access to Health Savings Accounts. Decouples HSAs from high deductible health insurance plans, expands HSAs for individuals with Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, direct medical care, health care sharing ministries, short-term limited-duration plans, and medical indemnity plans. |
Increase annual contributions. Increases HSA contribution limits from $3,550 (2020 limit) to $10,800 for individuals and from $7,100 (2020 limit) to $29,500 for families. |
Expand eligible usage. Extends allowable HSA withdrawals to include direct medical care fees, health care sharing ministry fees, insurance premiums, and over the counter medications. |
Eliminate regulatory confusion for patients and doctors. Defines direct medical care and health care sharing ministries as qualified medical expenses and not health plans or insurance plans. |
Decrease tax penalty for nonqualified distributions. Reduces the penalty for nonqualified distributions from 20 percent to 10 percent. |
This legislation is endorsed by Direct Primary Care Council, Texas Public Policy Foundation, Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom, Heritage Action, Americans for Prosperity, Association of Mature American Citizens, Independent Medical Alliance, Alliance of Health Care Sharing Ministries, and Health Savin