Texas Border Business
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) introduced the Make American Flags in America Act of 2025. This legislation closes loopholes in existing law meant to ensure that American flags displayed on federal property or procured by federal agencies to be manufactured completely in the United States from American materials.
Upon introduction, Sen. Cruz said, “There is bipartisan agreement that American flags should be produced in America using American materials, but loopholes in existing laws still allow Chinese manufacturers to sell flags, including through fraudulently-branded websites. This bill would close those loopholes. Congress should take it up and expeditiously pass it.”
This bill is cosponsored by Sens. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.).
Read the bill text here.
In 2024 Congress passed and the President signed into law the All-American Flag Act, which prohibits agencies from using funds to procure a U.S. flag unless such flag has been manufactured in the United States from materials that have been U.S. grown, produced, or manufactured. However loopholes in the law have allowed Chinese companies to sell American flags on e-commerce platforms and falsely label those flags as American-made The Make American Flags in America Act of 2025 removes an acquisition threshold and requires the FTC to produce a report assessing enforcement.