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WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) introduced a joint resolution pursuant to the Congressional Review Act (CRA) this week to fight a measure passed by the D.C. Council that would allow illegal aliens to vote in local D.C. elections. The legislation is co-sponsored by Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), Todd Young (R-Ind.), John N. Kennedy (R-La.), Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), and Ted Budd (R-N.C.).
Earlier this Congress, Sen. Cruz reintroduced a bill that prohibits the Washington, D.C. government from using federal funds to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections.
About the CRA joint resolution, Sen. Cruz said:
“One of our cherished freedoms as Americans is our ability to exercise our right to vote. It is imperative that we not diminish the magnitude of this responsibility and undermine our national security by opening up our elections to foreign influence. Voters are tasked with deciding how our country will be led and who will lead it. This duty is not to be taken lightly and under no circumstances should our government fund the perversion of this distinct right and privilege.”
Support for the legislation:
RJ Hauman, head of government relations and communications at the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR):
“Two and a half centuries ago, our nation was founded on the principle that sovereign people should determine their own destinies. Last month, the city council of our Nation’s capital fundamentally violated that founding principle in an effort to empower noncitizens – including illegal aliens and employees at embassies of governments that are openly hostile to the United States – to determine the outcome of local elections. The right to vote is at the very core of the principle of self-determination and what it means to be a citizen. The actions of the D.C. city council and a mayor who is unlikely to veto are the next and most damaging steps in an ongoing effort to erase any distinction between American citizens and noncitizens. We applaud Senator Cruz for stepping up to the plate in an effort to pre-emptively address this radical measure.”
Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations, NumbersUSA:
“The D.C. Council’s move to allow noncitizens to vote in D.C. elections defies both common sense and good governance. Beyond the absurdity of the leaders in Washington, D.C. begging for Federal assistance with their recent ‘surge’ of 8,200 illegal aliens while simultaneously offering them the right to vote if they come, it is totally unconscionable that the district that serves as the seat of our Federal government would actively work to dilute the votes of American citizens with the votes of all resident foreign nationals, including the embassy staff who live and work in D.C. on behalf of governments like Russia and China. We applaud Senator Cruz for working to stop this absurd policy and protect the voting rights of all Americans in the District of Columbia.”
Read the legislation here.
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