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 “Save Me With a Seat”

TxDOT’s “Save Me With a Seat” campaign kicks off in September to coincide with National Child Passenger Safety Week, Sept. 18–Sept. 24, 2022 The campaign invites parents to schedule a free car seat safety check by visiting SaveMeWithASeat.org and entering their ZIP code to find the nearest TxDOT Traffic Safety Specialist in their area. TxDOT offers free car seat safety checks year-round.

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TxDOT’s “Save Me With a Seat” campaign kicks off in September to coincide with National Child PassengerSafety Week, Sept. 18–Sept. 24, 2022. Image for illustration purposes
TxDOT’s “Save Me With a Seat” campaign kicks off in September to coincide with National Child PassengerSafety Week, Sept. 18–Sept. 24, 2022. Image for illustration purposes

Texas Border Business

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PHARR – Vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death among children in the nation, so the Texas Departmentof Transportation is reminding parents that one of the most important things they can do to protect children is toproperly install and use a car seat. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that 46%of all child car seats are misused.

Watch the following video for a demonstration: 

TxDOT Video

TxDOT’s “Save Me With a Seat” campaign kicks off in September to coincide with National Child PassengerSafety Week, Sept. 18–Sept. 24, 2022. The campaign invites parents to schedule a free car seat safety check byvisiting SaveMeWithASeat.org and entering their ZIP code to find the nearest TxDOT Traffic Safety Specialist in their area. TxDOT offers free car seat safety checks year-round.

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When child car seats are used correctly, they can help reduce injuries and prevent fatalities when children areinvolved in a crash,” said TxDOT Executive Director Marc Williams. “We urge parents to schedule a car seatcheck today to ensure they are safely and correctly using the right car seat for their child.”

During September, the “Save Me With a Seat” campaign will be seen on Texas roadways as it rolls out aninteractive truck with digital screens to travel across the state. The digital truck will make stops in 11 cities,appearing at community events and other high-traffic locations. While stationary, the digital truck will share “SaveMe With a Seat” campaign messaging and video content to educate parents and caregivers on car seat safety.This public outreach is supported by TV and radio ads, billboards, digital media and social media.

With the “Save Me With a Seat” campaign, drivers are reminded that Texas law requires all children under 8 — unless they are taller than 4 feet, 9 inches — to be in a car seat whenever they ride in a passenger vehicle. Failure to properly restrain a child can result in a ticket of up to $250. Children under age 13 should ride in the back seat, properly secured in a seat belt or safety seat.

In 2021, 78 children younger than 8 years old died in traffic crashes in Texas, and 22 of those were unrestrainedat the time of the crash. Among children ages 8–12 in 2021, 36 died in traffic crashes, with 13 of themunrestrained at the time of the crash. According to NHTSA, child car seats in passenger vehicles can reduce the risk of fatal injury in a crash by 71% for infants and by 54% for toddlers.

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“Save Me With a Seat” is a key component of #EndTheStreakTX, a broader social media and word-of- mouth effort that encourages drivers to make safer choices while behind the wheel, like wearing a seat belt, driving thespeed limit, never texting and driving and never driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Nov. 7,2000, was the last deathless day on Texas roadways. #EndTheStreakTX asks all Texans to commit to driving safely to help end the streak of daily deaths.


In 2021 in Texas, 78 children younger than 8 years old were killed and 423 were seriously injured in passenger vehicle crashes. Of the 78 children killed, 22 were unrestrained at the time of the crash, which equals 28% of the total.

Additionally, in 2021, 36 children ages 8-12 were killed and 330 were seriously injured in passenger vehicle crashes. Of the 36 children killed, 13 were unrestrained at the time of the crash, which equals 36% of the total.   


In 2021, there were 21 passenger vehicle crashes in the Harlingen-Weslaco-Brownsville-McAllen media market that resulted in 25 serious injuries and 2 fatalities for children younger than 8 years old.

In 2021, there were 17 passenger vehicle crashes in the Harlingen-Weslaco-Brownsville-McAllen media market that resulted in 17 serious injuries and 3 fatalities for children ages 8-12.

Counties included in the media market: Brooks, Cameron, Hidalgo, Kenedy, Jim Hogg, Starr, Willacy, Zapata 

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