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Tuesday, March 4, 2025
88.8 F
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Reminder from Senator Hinojosa: Sales Tax Holiday on Water-Efficient Products May 26-28

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Austin, Texas –  Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa would like to remind Texans that the Water-Efficient Products Sales Tax Holiday will take place during Memorial Day Weekend, beginning Saturday, May 26, through Monday, May 28 (Memorial Day).

In 2015, Senator Hinojosa passed Senate Bill 1356 allowing for the purchase of water conservation products and/or a WaterSense product without paying a sales tax. This tax-free weekend is intended to incentivize consumers statewide to make smart choices in conserving water. Water efficient products save consumers money and reduce consumption rates of water, one of our state’s most valuable resources.

Tax-free items include shower heads, a soaker or drip-irrigation hose, mulch, plants, trees, and grasses, rain barrels, a moisture control for a sprinkler or irrigation system, and others. There is no limit on the number of qualifying items you can purchase. The following link to the Texas Comptroller’s webpage will provide more information:  https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/publications/98-1018.php

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Senator Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“Almost half of the state is now under drought conditions, including portions of the Rio Grande Valley and Nueces County. Things are even worse in West Texas and the Panhandle, leading Governor Abbott to issue a State Disaster Declaration for more than 70 counties due to drought.

We must prepare for the possible return of long periods of drought and proactively conserve water. I am proud to have passed legislation which helps our families and businesses receive a tax break for doing their part to help by using water-efficient products. Even better, water conservation will save families money on their water bills.”

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