Texas Border Business
The cold fronts have pushed through, giving us a preview of the harsh winter weather we can expect in the coming weeks. While many embrace the crisp air with excitement, curling up on the couch with hot chocolate and a good movie, our shelter pups don’t have the luxury of enjoying this temperature drop. Nearly 500 PVAS dogs are housed in our outside kennels, and our pets rely on donated blankets and cuddling up with one another to stay warm and dry.
Can you provide the gift of warmth and open up your home to foster a dog in need this holiday season? Our pups don’t need much except a warm place to lay their heads and food to fill their bellies, so if you have a little bit of space for an extra guest this Thanksgiving, stop by our Trenton location any time during operating hours (11 am – 7 pm) to pick up a foster dog for the long weekend! You’ll be sparing them from a night out in the cold and giving them a much-needed break from the kennel until temperatures rise again next week.