Texas Border Business
The Pharr Community Theater and it’s after school education in the arts program, On Stage & More, is now registering kids for its next six week session from July 10 to August 19, 2017. For one hour a week for six weeks kids between pre-k and 8th grade will receive study in performing arts such as Acting, Piano, Guitar, Folklorico, Hip Hop, Ballet, Choir and Arts & Crafts.
Class time availability ranges from 3:00 pm to 7:00pm from Mondays through Thursdays. Class is instructed by an array of local Artists and teachers each versed in the subject matter and who work great with children of all backgrounds.
Classes are to be held at our Theater at 213 W Newcombe Ave., and at Carnahan & Aida Escobar Elementary Schools in Pharr, Texas. At the end of the six weeks students will perform on stage, from their respective class experience, for parents and friends. On Stage and More focuses on offering an enriching experience for kids. The admission is only 30.00 per student for the six weeks class.
Children can additionally enroll in more than one class. To register please contact Lisa Lopez today at 956-750-1282 or email her at onstagenmore@gmail.com or find On Stage & More on FB.
The Pharr Community Theater ‘where dreams go Pharr’ is a 501 c3 organization and also accepts donations and sponsorships. PCT is proudly sponsored in part by the City of Pharr and PSJA-ISD.