Texas Border Business
Hidalgo County Commissioners Court approved on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 a resolution in honor of 16 year-old Michael Donovan of Edinburg, Texas for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, which is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting Program of the Boy Scouts of America. To qualify for the consideration, Michael needed to fulfill several requirements including, earning at least 21 merit badges and demonstrating Scout Spirit through the Boy Scout Oath and Law.
Michael began his scouting career with the Webelos Pack 1954 from Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Edinburg, Texas and after seven months he earned the Arrow of Light rank. Michael is presently #42 in Eagle Scout Troop 76 sponsored by the Church of Christ in McAllen, Texas.
He has also attended numerous summer camps and National Jamborees, as well as, the Indian Summer and National Leadership Seminars, where he held several office positions including, Chaplin, Order of the Arrow Representative, Assistant Scout Leader, and Scribe.
This past summer Michael completed a project where he built eight raised vegetable beds with a running irrigation system for students at Saint Joseph Catholic School. The goal of the project was to teach students the benefits of growing vegetables instead of purchasing them from a grocery store.
Michael attributes his excellent leadership skills and high level of maturity to the great experiences and adventures scouting has provided him; the program has motivated him to get involved in other activities including, being an alter server for 9 years and being a member of the Athletic Club and Astronomy Club at his high school.
Also recognizing Michael’s great accomplishment was Chief Administrator Alex Rios representing State Representative Terry Canales’ office. Rios presented Michael with a resolution from the State Representatives Office and congratulated him on his recent achievement.
Upon receiving the resolutions, Michael humbly thanked Commissioners Court and Representative Canales for the recognition and thanked his parents Steven and Yvette Donovan for being a great inspiration in his life. He also thanked his Grandparents Mike and Celia Niño and especially thanked Troop Scoutmaster Mike Key for helping him in this notable endeavor.
Hidalgo County Commissioners Court honors and recognizes Michael Donovan on his distinguished accomplishment of achieving the Eagle Scout rank and wishes him the best in all his educational and professional endeavors. TBB