Texas Border Business
The City of McAllen Health & Code Enforcement Department is assessing the flooded areas in the city. Further, Code Enforcement Officers are currently larviciding the areas of the city that have stagnant floodwaters to eliminate the mosquito breeding. Citizens can call into 681-1900 or McAllen 3-1-1 to report mosquito concerns which will result in an inspection for larviciding or spraying.
What residents can do to help reduce mosquito breeding:
- Empty or get rid of cans, buckets, old tires, pots, plant saucers, and other containers that hold water.
- Keep gutters clear of debris and standing water.
- Remove standing water around structures and from flat roofs.
- Change water in pet dishes daily.
- Rinse and scrub vases and other indoor water containers weekly.
- Change water in wading pools and birdbaths several times a week.
- Maintain backyard pools or hot tubs.
- Cover trash containers.
- Screen rain barrels and openings to water tanks or cisterns.
- If mosquito problems persist, contact 681-1900 and use mosquito repellent.