Texas Border Business
The McAllen Police Department, San Juan Police Department and Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Department have dispatched officers and deputies to assist law enforcement agencies in Uvalde with the elevated service demand associated with the mass casualty event there. Other Texas cities have also sent law enforcement personnel to support the effort.
“The McAllen Police Department is always at the forefront of these efforts to assist neighboring communities in times of crisis and need,” said McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos. “We are hopeful that their presence will help the city of Uvalde through the difficult days ahead and the healing period that will follow.”
“I am proud of the men and women in of McAllen PD who will be there to help our sister community in need when as a state and as a nation, we to try to make sense of this senseless tragedy,” said McAllen Police Chief Victor Rodriguez.
Statement on Edinburg Police Officers Heading to Uvalde
The Edinburg Police Department along with multiple law enforcement agencies from all around the state of Texas, are joining together to provide support, security, and healing to the grieving community of Uvalde. Tomorrow, an Edinburg sergeant and four officers will join their brothers and sisters in blue during this time. We stand with Uvalde, Texas.