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Saturday, March 8, 2025
70.8 F
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McAllen City Manager releases statement in reference to BorderFest

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Texas Border Business – 

McALLEN- City Manager Roel “Roy” Rodriguez, P.E. released this statement in reference to the BorderFest decision:

“What I want to tell the community is that we’re going to continue to be consistent with the message we had from day one, that our involvement with BorderFest was very simple.

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We were going to provide BorderFest with a venue at the McAllen Convention Center and that was based upon a request that we received from the BorderFest Association.

So very simply, we were going to treat them as a customer, as a client of the Convention Center as we do everyone else.

The judge ruled yesterday and her ruling was very clear, and that is that for now, BorderFest cannot be held outside of Hidalgo.

So I will reiterate, we were interested in trying to help the BorderFest Association have their event, so if there is no BorderFest to have then the point is moot and we will not have a festival in McAllen.” Listen to the audio…

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