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Thursday, October 3, 2024
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Mayor Villalobos Will Join Detective Ben Garcia for Multiple Miles in 800-Mile Ultramarathon for C.O.P.S.

Detective Benjamin Garcia’s 800-Mile Run for C.O.P.S.

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Detective Benjamin Garcia. Courtesy photo
Detective Benjamin Garcia. Courtesy photo
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By Roberto Hugo González

As McAllen prepares to welcome Detective Benjamin Garcia from the San Antonio Police Department, the community will embrace a remarkable athletic feat and a mission of profound significance. Garcia, an ultramarathon runner, is running nearly 800 miles from Amarillo to McAllen to raise awareness and funds for the South Texas chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.), an organization devoted to supporting families of officers who have died in the line of duty. Yesterday, October 2, 2024, Garcia made it to Sweetwater, Texas.

Garcia’s journey, spanning approximately three weeks, aims to spotlight the essential services that C.O.P.S. provides to families and coworkers of fallen officers. His commitment to the cause is clear, as he strives to ensure that no family has to navigate the tragic loss of a loved one without support.

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Mayor Javier Villalobos. Photo by Roberto Hugo González

McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos recognizes the magnitude of Garcia’s mission and has agreed to join him for what was initially described as the “final mile” of his run. However, in a recent conversation with Texas Border Business, the mayor revealed that he plans to run several miles alongside Garcia as he enters McAllen, culminating the efforts at the McAllen Police Department Memorial.

When asked if he was ready to run more than one mile, Mayor Villalobos humorously responded, “I’ve been a 5k runner, so I’ll be able to do it without any problem.” He fully supported Detective Garcia’s effort, emphasizing raising awareness for the C.O.P.S. organization. Villalobos has also organized a large welcoming delegation for Garcia’s arrival, urging the community to show their support by donating to C.O.P.S. Visit https://www.concernsofpolicesurvivors.org to contribute and help make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

“We are deeply honored to welcome Detective Garcia and support his efforts in raising awareness for such an important cause,” Mayor Villalobos stated. “Those who can help, please donate to C.O.P.S. This is of great benefit.” Visit https://www.concernsofpolicesurvivors.org to contribute and help make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Detective Garcia’s mission extends beyond his personal challenge as an ultramarathon runner. His purpose is to raise funds and awareness for C.O.P.S., an organization that plays a critical role in helping families of officers who have been killed in the line of duty. The South Texas chapter, particularly, provides grief counseling, financial assistance, and community outreach programs that help families and police departments cope with their losses.

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Detective Benjamin Garcia runs through the roads of Texas, inching closer to McAllen as he embarks on an 800-mile ultramarathon to raise awareness and funds for the South Texas chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.). Inspired by Garcia’s mission, Mayor Villalobos will join him for multiple miles as they approach the McAllen Police Department Memorial, symbolizing the city’s support for families of fallen officers. Garcia’s journey is more than a test of endurance—it’s a tribute to those who have given their lives in service and a rallying cry to support their families. Courtesy photo

Having witnessed the impact of C.O.P.S. firsthand, Detective Garcia is determined to ensure that these vital services can continue to expand. Through his journey, he hopes to give back to an organization that has touched many lives, ensuring survivors receive the support they need to heal and rebuild after their devastating losses.

Garcia began his monumental run on September 26th at the Amarillo Police Department. Covering approximately 40 miles a day, he plans to arrive at the McAllen Police Department around October 16th. This 800-mile journey is the longest of Garcia’s career, surpassing his previous record of 273 miles.

McAllen PD Memorial. Photo by Roberto Hugo González

Along the way, Garcia has been sharing updates on social media, offering glimpses into his daily progress and reminding followers of his cause. In one post, he shared a lighthearted moment: “Good morning, guys. Having my breakfast from Roots Food Groups… getting my nutrition that I need to run another 40 miles today.”

Despite the physical toll of running such distances, Garcia remains focused on his goal. “I’m still running 40 miles daily,” he posted. “I’m Ben, and I’m running with you!”

Concerns of Police Survivors, or C.O.P.S., is a nonprofit organization that provides critical support to the families of officers who have died in the line of duty. Their services range from grief counseling and emotional support to financial assistance and community outreach for police departments.

Some of the essential services provided by C.O.P.S. include:

  • Grief Counseling: Professional emotional support for families and fellow officers.
  • Financial Assistance: Help with expenses related to memorial services, travel, and other urgent needs.
  • Community Outreach: Programs aimed at supporting police departments affected by the loss of an officer, ensuring that coworkers receive the help they need during times of grief.

As Detective Garcia makes his way closer to McAllen, the community is urged to rally behind him and the cause he champions. Donations to C.O.P.S. will help ensure that the organization can continue offering life-changing services to those who need them most. As Mayor Villalobos said, “We are honored to support Garcia’s efforts. This run is about more than just miles—it’s about helping families heal.”

Texas Border Business will continue to follow Garcia’s journey as he works toward his goal, providing updates and encouraging the community to contribute to this worthy cause. You can scan the QR code below to donate and show your support for C.O.P.S. and the families of the fallen officers.

Detective Garcia’s ultramarathon is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a reminder of the importance of standing together in times of loss.

For those interested in tracking Detective Garcia’s progress, he is sharing his location in real time via the “Beacon” app. Supporters can follow along and witness each mile of his inspiring journey toward the finish line in McAllen, Texas. Here is the link https://www.strava.com/beacon/kAKk7U99Q1e

Visit https://www.concernsofpolicesurvivors.org to contribute and help make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Or scan the QR.

Website for your donation

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