Photo by Sal Hinojosa
See you in Mercedes!
By Roberto Hugo Gonzalez
Mercedes Texas again is capturing headlines. When the Rio Grande Valley Premium Outlet Stores first opened, Mercedes became one of the most popular shopping experiences for Valley and Mexico residents. Today, Hernan Gonzalez the Director of Mercedes Economic Development Corporation is adding adventure to the experience.
Hernan told Texas Border Business in Exclusivity that the newest project to make Mercedes unique is twenty-five life size boot display all over the commercial corridors.
These 25 handcrafted metal boots are 6 feet tall and each will display the colors and logos of colleges of the Mexico and the United States.
He said, “It will be a must see exhibit in the region, every major college in Texas will be featured as well as three principle colleges from Mexico that includes the prestigious Monterrey Tech.”
Hernan said that the first thing he wants to do is celebrate Mercedes’ history and the legacy of boot making. “Obviously boot making has been an important part in this economy since Mercedes began,” he said.
He also pointed out that the importance of the history Mercedes as well as the unique legacy of boot making in in this city. He believes that these life-size boots are so unique and attractive that the people that visit Mercedes to see the boots will experience an adventure to remember. Hernan also want to remind people that this is the best community to live in.
What is unique about Mercedes is its history. He said that its one of the oldest communities in the Rio Grande Valley. “In fact the first electric company was in Mercedes, the Catholic churches in the Valley came out of Mercedes, boot making has long legacy in Mercedes, and of course the Rio Grande Valley Premium Outlets is one of a kind in the Region.”
Hernan also mentioned that Mercedes is known as “The Queen City of the Valley” or “La Reina del Valle”. The city of Mercedes was founded September 15, 1907, by the American Rio Grande Land & Irrigation Company, and was incorporated March 8, 1909. It is one of the oldest towns in the Rio Grande Valley, and the city celebrated its centennial in 2007.
Hernan is a Valley native and served as Executive Director of the Economic Development Corporation in Weslaco for 14 years and when the opportunity presented itself to work for the City of Mercedes he jumped on it. “Mercedes is a diamond in the rough in the Rio Grande Valley Market,” he said enthusiastically. “It is smack in the center of a major emerging and changing economy. Mercedes has a great history, a great location but it is largely unknown, it has a good brand and a future.”
When asked about the challenge of his profession, he said, “The challenge is that in economic development is a long-term process. It’s a process where building relations really matters. Good things will come to communities that work hard, build on their collective blessings and stay in front of the curve.”
Hernan heads the Development Corporation of Mercedes, which dates back to the early 90’s. It is a corporation developed by the voters to authorize half-cent sales tax to be dedicated to economic development.
This is not the last time you hear about Hernan, just like today he is planning the parade of boots next time will something bigger because he enjoys bringing deals together. For him is usual to come up with a good deal that brings private sector investment to Mercedes and a good return for the public investment. “I love the challenge of helping a community recognize its core assets, its position in the market and attraction in business,” he finalized. TBB