Texas Border Business
Edinburg, Texas – Before a packed audience at the City of Edinburg Council Chambers Tuesday evening, the members of the Edinburg City Council approved a proclamation honoring Judge Toribio “Terry” Palacios for his many years of service to the Edinburg community. Palacios was first elected as City of Edinburg Municipal Court Judge in June of 1994 and served consecutively for 27 years as the sole elected municipal judge for the City of Edinburg. He continued to be re-elected into office by the citizens of Edinburg for seven terms, and dedicated years of unwavering service to the Edinburg community.
Excerpts of the proclamation included, “Toribio “Terry” Palacios has dedicated his public service for the citizens of Edinburg with devotion, class, and integrity.” The proclamation continues, “He has held the office in the highest professional manner during his tenure with the City and his term as City of Edinburg Municipal Court Judge.” The proclamation further states, “The City of Edinburg is grateful for his decades of dedication to the City and extends its best wishes on his next endeavors, the Edinburg City Council wishes to recognize Judge Toribio “Terry” Palacios for all he has done during his years of public service.”
City officials and the public praised Palacios for his long tenure of service and wished him well on his future endeavors. Palacios announced earlier this month his official candidacy to run for office as Hidalgo County District Attorney. A lifelong aspiration of his, Palacios resigned as Municipal Judge to focus on the countywide campaign. In a demonstration of the utmost respect that his peers and colleagues hold for Palacios, his successor, Hector Bustos, requested that Palacios officiate the oath of office as his replacement on the bench.

Palacios is a practicing criminal defense attorney and has overseen thousands of criminal cases during his 30-year tenure as a partner with the Law Office of Garcia, Quintanilla, and Palacios. Palacios was born and raised in Edinburg, receiving his bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas-Pan American and earning his Juris Doctorate from Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University in Houston, Texas. He has been an active and civic-minded contributor to the Edinburg community, serving in various leadership capacities on organizations such as the Housing Authority, the Edinburg Chamber of Commerce, and the Boys and Girls Club, among other athletic, nonprofit and civic organizations to which he supports and contributes.
The youngest of twelve children, Palacios was born into a hardworking, humble family of manual laborers working in the fields – the only work they knew. From starting off in the agriculture fields throughout Hidalgo County, Palacios understood the importance of education to break the cycle of poverty and he made it his priority to lead by example to inspire the next generation. He was the first of his generation to become college-educated, changing the course of his family’s trajectory from out of the farm fields and into the classroom. He became a trailblazer who inspired future generations with a legacy of education as the ultimate equalizer, a strong work ethic, helping others, and giving back to the community. Inspired by his sacrifice and challenges, his children, nephews, nieces, and extended family members have since pursued higher education and careers in the fields of business, law, education, the medical field, law enforcement, and more.
“I am ready to take on the challenge of serving the people of Hidalgo County in this capacity, and I know that my experience, knowledge, and dedication to justice will continue the legacy of fairness and integrity in the District Attorney’s Office,” said Palacios.
Palacios is married to Hope; they have nine children – Audra (Steven Cruz), Alexandra, Toribio Jr., Andres, Shiloh Lily, Kali, Alian, and Annika, as well as seven grandchildren.
Early voting in the March 2022 Primary Election begins Monday, February 14, 2022, and runs through Friday, February 25, 2022. Election Day is Tuesday, March 1, 2022.