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Joe Martínez Reflects on 42 Years at Bert Ogden Auto Group

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A Legacy in Motion

Joe Martínez. PHOTO by Roberto Hugo González
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By Roberto Hugo González

Few names stand as prominently in the active world of auto sales in South Texas as Bert Ogden Auto Group. Renowned for its impressive sales volume and extensive reach, the company owes much of its success to the dedication and loyalty of its employees. Joe Martínez, who has served the company for 42 years, exemplifies loyal dedication.

Joe began his journey with Bert Ogden Auto Group in 1982. His initial responsibilities included washing cars and managing the inventory of incoming vehicles. “I started washing cars and was in charge of the inventory of cars coming in. And I’m still doing that right now,” Joe recalls. Over four decades later, his role remains essential, accentuating his dedication to the company.

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Working closely with the founders, Bert and Dorothy Ogden, Joe has countless memories of the dynamic duo. “Bert liked to work a lot. We worked in his trucks back there. He would be all over the place, from the salesroom to the auto parts department,” Joe reminisces. On the other hand, Dorothy Ogden managed the accounting department, working closely with her team. “They were real nice people,” Joe fondly remembers.

Despite the passing of time and the evolution of the auto industry, Joe’s passion for his work has remained steadfast. He attributes his longevity at the company to the support and positive work environment fostered by the Ogdens and their successors, the Vackars. “The owners are real nice,” Joe remarks, reflecting on the supportive atmosphere that has kept him at Bert Ogden Auto Group for many years. This evidence of the company’s culture is truly admirable.

Joe’s personal life is deeply rooted in South Texas. A native of Edcouch, Texas, he still resides in his hometown, just 16 miles from his workplace. He shares his life with his wife, Leticia, and their three children: Joe Jr., Samantha, and Jacob. Much like his work, family is a cornerstone of Joe’s life, providing a sense of stability and purpose.

Throughout his career, Joe has witnessed and embraced significant changes in the auto industry, particularly the increasing complexity brought about by technological advancements. “Everything’s getting more complicated with the computers and stuff, but now I’m used to working with it. Everything’s easy for me,” Joe explains. His ability to adapt and thrive amidst these changes is proof of his resilience and dedication, inspiring all who hear his story.

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When asked what he enjoys most about his job, Joe answers simply yet profoundly: “It’s very nice working here. I’m just watching everything. The cars are getting more advanced.” His enthusiasm for the auto industry’s ever-evolving nature and his role within it is palpable.

Reflecting on his 42 years with Bert Ogden Auto Group, Martínez embodies the essence of loyalty and dedication. His journey is a tribute to his hard work and reflects the supportive and dynamic environment fostered by the Ogdens and continued by the Vackars. As Bert Ogden Auto Group thrives, Joe’s legacy will remain a cornerstone of its history.

Continuing our conversation with Martínez, we discussed his life beyond the showroom floor. We explored the personal hobbies and family dynamics complementing his long-standing Bert Ogden Auto Group career.

Outside of his work responsibilities, Martínez enjoys a variety of activities. “I like doing stuff around the house, like fixing stuff,” he shares. Although he occasionally indulges in fishing and hunting, Martínez’s preferred getaway involves trips to casinos. “We travel to Louisiana,” he says, highlighting the fun and relaxation these trips provide.

Music is another significant aspect of Martínez’s life. He has a broad taste, appreciating genres from country to Mexican music. “I probably like more country, like George Strait,” he says, though he listens to a bit of everything. This diverse musical palette reflects Joe’s open-minded and adaptable nature.

Regarding his professional responsibilities, Martínez’s role as an inventory professional of brand-new cars is crucial and meticulous. “I’ve got to go out there and ensure no damage to them,” Joe explains, detailing his first steps upon receiving new cars. He checks for any damages that might have occurred during transportation before assigning a stock number and inputting the car’s information into the computer system for inventory. This process is vital in ensuring the vehicles are ready for the mechanics to prepare them for sale.

Martínez’s methodical approach has allowed him to handle many vehicles throughout his career. “I’d say easily about 50,000,” he estimates, underlining the immense scale of his contributions to the dealership.

Family is a cornerstone of Martínez’s life. His eldest son, Joe Jr., works for HEB, while his daughter, Samantha, is a teacher at Edcouch-Elsa. His youngest, Jacob, is 17 and passionate about acting and mathematics. “He’s going to San Marcos to finish his education,” Joe proudly mentions. Despite his initial interest in acting, Jacob chose to study accounting. “He got college hours at STC,” Joe notes, highlighting Jacob’s advanced standing as he prepares to embark on his next educational chapter.

Joe’s pride in his children is evident as he discusses their aspirations and achievements. Jacob’s pursuit of independence and academic excellence is particularly noteworthy. “We have to take him to his orientation on June 23rd. Then he starts, I think it was August 2024,” Joe shares, marking a significant milestone in his son’s journey.

As our conversation concludes, it’s clear that Joe Martínez’s story is one of dedication, both to his work and his family. His legacy at Bert Ogden Auto Group is built on decades of hard work, adaptability, and a genuine love for what he does. Whether he’s ensuring the pristine condition of new cars or enjoying time with his family, Joe embodies the values of loyalty and excellence. His journey continues to inspire, reflecting the remarkable impact of a career spent in motion.

Roberto Hugo González is the 2009 SBA Journalist of the Year Award winner and the recipient of the Paul Harris Award in both 2009 and 2012. He currently publishes Texas Border Business and Mega Doctor News. His past publications include McAllen City Magazine, Texas Border Digest, CBS Chronicle, Health Care Services Guide, Winter Texan Tour Guide, and MegaMetropolis.

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