EDINBURG, TEXAS – JULY 8, 2015 – The Federal Emergency Management Agency and other federal, state and county agencies this week continue to be available at the University of Texas-Pan American, to help Rio Grande Valley residents affected by recent flooding.
FEMA representatives have set up shop in the UTPA Community Engagement and Student Success (CESS) Building at the corner of Freddy Gonzalez Drive and I-69/U.S. 281. They will be there until July 31 to help people who need assistance regarding flood damage sustained between May 4 and June 19.
Richard Costello, director of environmental health and safety at UTPA, said the university routinely coordinates with Hidalgo County, as well as state and federal agencies, on emergency management issues and has provided space to the county and FEMA in the past. UTPA also has provided space to the National Guard when it came to help Valley residents after Hurricane Dolly in 2008 and Tropical Storm Alex in 2010.
“We’re always there to help,” Costello said of the university. “We want to support the local community. It’s a moral and ethical responsibility on the part of the institution.”
Alberto A. Pillot, media relations field specialist for FEMA, said the agency had limited space at a previous location provided by the county, and appreciates UTPA for offering the CESS venue.
“I think it’s a great facility. It caters to the needs of people and FEMA,” Pillot said.
FEMA can offer qualifying homeowners and renters grants to help recover from damage suffered in the flooding after heavy rains that fell recently in the area. Homeowners also can apply for Small Business Administration (SBA) disaster loans.
Pillot said he encourages those affected by the flooding to register with FEMA and apply for the SBA disaster loans, even if they’re not sure if they qualify for assistance.
“The road to recovery is to register first,” he said.
The agency continues to help about 100 people per day, Pillot said.
Nonprofit organizations and county government offices also continue to have representatives on hand to offer assistance on a variety of topics.
The center will be open through July 31 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays.
Pillot said the deadline to apply for assistance and SBA disaster loans is July 28.
For more information, call 1-800-621-3362 or visit https://www.disasterassistance.gov/.
Information is available in Spanish.