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Efforts to Stop Illegal Dumping on The Levees and Rio Grande Water Sharing With The U.S. And Mexico to be Discussed at November 8 Public Meeting in Mercedes

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Texas Border Business
The United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission (USIBWC) has scheduled a public meeting of the Lower Rio Grande Citizens Forum (LRGCF) for Wednesday, November 8 at 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. at the USIBWC office at 325 Golf Course Road in Mercedes, Texas. The purpose of the forum is to promote the exchange of information between the USIBWC and the community regarding Commission projects and related activities.

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John Sauceda, Sergeant, Office of Hidalgo County Constable, Precinct 1, will discuss how the Constable’s Office is working to combat illegal dumping along the USIBWC interior floodway levees. He will discuss what to look for and how to report illegal dumping. The joint effort with other law enforcement agencies and citizens can help keep our neighborhoods, cities, and precincts clean. A presentation on Safe, Strong, and Smart, will be shown which pertains to maintaining situational awareness for safety.

The Lower Rio Grande Citizens Forum will also hear from Billy Finn, Chief of the Water Accounting Division, USIBWC, on Rio Grande water shared in accordance with the 1944 Water Treaty. Mr. Finn will discuss the treaty requirements for Mexico’s Rio Grande water deliveries to the United States based on a five-year water delivery cycle. Mexico is currently up-to-date in its water deliveries to the United States, which is good news for Texas water users. To ensure greater reliability in future deliveries, the Commission has formed a work group, which is developing tools to enhance the use of science and technology in Rio Grande water management between the two countries.

A complete meeting agenda follows. Members of the public who would like more information about the meeting may contact 956-565-3150 or the Public Affairs Office at Lori.Kuczmanski@ibwc.gov.

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Lori Kuczmanski
(915) 832-4106


Wednesday, November 8, 2017
3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
USIBWC Conference Room
325 Golf Course Road, Mercedes, TX 78570

§ Welcome and Introductions – Omar Rios, Citizens Forum Co-Chair
§ Efforts to Stop Illegal Dumping on the Levees – John Sauceda, Sergeant, Office of Hidalgo County Constable, Precinct 1
§ Binational Solution to Assure 1944 Water Treaty Compliance and Better Predictability/Reliability in Future Rio Grande Water Deliveries to the US –Billy Finn, Chief of Water Accounting Division, USIBWC

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§ Public Comment

§ Board Discussion

§ Suggested Future Agenda Items

Directions: From Expressway 83, exit Mile 2 W. Travel south for approx. 1.5 miles to Golf Course Rd. Turn left. The USIBWC is the first building on your left.

If you have a disability that you wish to self-identify confidentially that requires accommodation, please advise us ahead of time. For more information, call 956-565-3150 or email Lori.Kuczmanski@ibwc.gov

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