Texas Border Business
Laredo, Texas – In an effort to enhance the public education of Laredoans, Dr. Michael A. Hochman, the local retina surgeon and ophthalmologist, has endowed monies to fund The Twentieth Annual Rochelle and Sidney Hochman Educational Support Grant, available for local public-school teachers in both the Laredo Independent School District and the United Independent School District. The endowment is designed to benefit the learning experience of Laredo students by providing teachers with an additional resource for classroom needs essential to the learning process. Ten thousand dollars has been earmarked for local teachers in both school districts for the current school year.
In the first nineteen years of the charitable grant, approximately 950 teachers were awarded grants in amounts varying from $100-$500, dependent upon individual classroom needs. The competitive grants are given to support Laredo public school classrooms in the form of supplies, equipment, and other supplementary teaching materials. Teachers may apply for the 2021-2022 school year grants by filling out an application. The applications have been distributed to all teachers through the offices of their school principals and school district superintendents. Applications are also available at Dr. Hochman’s office.
Dr Hochman is the medical doctor specializing in diabetic and retinal eye disease and cataract surgery in Laredo. He relocated from Boston to Laredo twenty-two years ago. Education has been an essential part of Dr. Hochman’s life, and he welcomes the opportunity to help others. According to Dr. Hochman, “I established the grant twenty years ago because I wanted to help the local public schools.
“I, myself, was a product of public schooling, which of course played an integral role in my academic, professional, and personal success. I know that local funding is tight, so I’d like to do my part to help Laredo students get the best education possible. The children of our community represent our future and helping them receive the quality education they deserve creates a strong foundation for the continued success of Laredo. Since my mother was a public-school teacher, and my sister teaches as well, the importance of helping children in our community receive a great public education is not lost on me”, said Dr. Hochman. The Rochelle and Sidney Hochman Educational Support Grant is named in honor of Dr. Hochman’s parents. The deadline for receipt of applications is November 24, 2021. Applications may be returned to Dr. Hochman’s office at 5313 McPherson Rd., Laredo, 78041. Anyone wishing further information can contact Michael A. Hochman, MD, PA at (956) 795-8310.